bedbug on mattress

Bed Bug Exterminator Near Huntersville, NC

Are bed bugs keeping you awake in Huntersville, NC? Lake Norman Pest Control can help in that area and make sure you can get back to sleep without these pests bugging you. Bed bugs can multiply quickly which is why it is best to let a professional exterminator handle them.

bed bug

Local Pest Control Company

Our technicians will target the areas you are concerned with, but will also look at areas they know bed bugs love to hide. They are a tough pest to get rid of by yourself, which is why it is best to let a professional handle it. We have trained our technicians to know about different bugs like bed bugs and how to effectively get rid of them. They will do a thorough search in your home to make sure they remove all the bed bugs.

Since we are a locally owned company we will make sure our customers are satisfied with our services. Give us a call today to get a free quote on your bed bug control now.

Pest Control For Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can travel into your home on any type of surface. If you spot one in your home make sure you get a professional exterminator out to your property so they can get rid of them for you. They are usually brought in from hotels or if you have just returned from vacation. Make sure you check your luggage and clothes before you unpack and wash anything you took with you.

They are nocturnal bugs which are why they feed on you while you're asleep. They prefer warm environments to live in like your bed and box spring. They can also be found on furniture and even the walls of your bedroom. They can go weeks without feeding so even though you think they are gone they might just be hiding until they are hungry again. They are hard to spot at first because they are translucent before they start feeding on a host. Once they have had some blood there is usually a reddish-brown color. They like to target exposed skin like the arms, neck, and hands. If you need help exterminating these bugs make sure you call your local pest control company right away.

Lake Norman Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs are hard to control on your own which is why you need to hire professional pest control services. Lake Norman Pest Control will make sure your bed bug problem is eliminated. There are different service options and we will figure out which one is best for your situation. Give us a call today or use the form below to request a free quote on your bed bug extermination now.

Our Reviews

Our customers value our pest control services and have left us reviews. We make sure the customers are completely satisfied with our services or their money back. Check them out and see if Lake Norman Pest Control can help with your bed bug treatment in Huntersville today.


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