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Can Pest Control Get Rid Of Mice? (Mooresville Exterminators)

house mouse eating veggies

Engaging in some sort of warfare against pests can sometimes be a very difficult endeavor. For one, their numbers can be quite overwhelming. Another thing is that through the years, they have developed resistance in one form or the other against pesticides. They have also learned to become sneaky, knowing when to come out to feed and when to avoid humans. Nature has given them amazing adapting abilities through millions of years of experience indeed. This is especially true when it comes to mice. 

Are Mice Considered Pests?

Mice are amazingly intelligent creatures with great memories. A lot of times, if you have mice in your house either as pets or as pests, you could see them sniffing the air and just observing their surroundings. This is their way of investigating, and they always do this. Alas, they always avoid confrontation and can hide quickly, squeezing through tiny holes the size of a coin.

Since they have great memories, they are wary of items that were not in their paths before, like a mousetrap that was recently placed there by someone.

That is why trying to catch a mouse can be a very frustrating activity. We will have to outsmart a mouse if that is an appropriate word.

Mice are common household pests that can be found in millions of households all over the world, Mooresville included.

If you are one of those people with mice infestation problems, you came to the right site!

Let us talk about mice, and how to get rid of mice in Mooresville, North Carolina.

About Mice

Mice are small rodents that come in light brown to grayish colors. They weigh only about ½ ounce, with long tails that are longer than their bodies, and with small black pair of eyes.

Their bodies are so flexible, they can squeeze through tiny holes. Life is also short for them; their lifespan is from 1 ½ year to 3 years.

Mice can be found not only in houses, but also in restaurants, offices, warehouses, hotels, and anywhere there are humans because where there are humans, there is food.

They can survive without water for 20 days, getting hydration from the food they eat.

Mice are known to be nocturnal animals.

Social Life

Mice are highly social creatures. They live in a nest and easily get lonely when left alone. They feel depressed when left without a companion or when they lose a companion due to death.

Mice are very playful. They enjoy each other’s company. Studies have shown that mice show a variety of emotions as well. They laugh and they cry, you can hear the with the way they squeal.

Mice reproduce quickly, which is why their species is very successful despite the fact that humans are always out to kill them. In fact, they reproduce every three weeks. An adult mouse can breed as early as their 5th week of existence.

Mice As Pests

Mice do a lot of damage wherever they go. They contaminate our food which in turn brings diseases to humans. The diseases spread by mice include leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, salmonellosis and Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.

Mice are also such a nuisance, chewing on paper, clothes, boxes, and books. They are always looking for something to chew on. It is not really because they are always hungry, though that is always part of the reason. Mice have incisors that are constantly growing all their lives. Chewing on something prevents them from growing out of hand. These are things we all keep bit they eat. Aside from this, they eat food meant for human and pet consumption, thus making them unsafe to eat.

Some people are terrified of mice and can cause anxiety and restlessness.

Vectors Of Diseases

Mice are known to be deadly disease vectors. Many humans succumbed to the diseases they have transmitted.

Transmission usually happens when we ingest food or water that is contaminated with mice droppings, urine, vomit, or saliva. Among these diseases are the following:

1. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome - HPS is a severe and even fatal respiratory disease transmitted by mice. This disease can be spread either by inhaling dust that is contaminated by mice urine or droppings; or direct contact with mice droppings. Well, there is another way and that is through a mouse's bite. Early symptoms include fever, muscle aches, fatigue, chills, dizziness. For late symptoms, there is coughing and shortness of breath. Immediate medical care is very important due to its deadly nature. 

2. Salmonellosis - Humans are infected by ingesting food or water that is contaminated by mice droppings. This illness lasts from 4 days to one week. Diarrhea may be present, and in some cases, diarrhea can be so severe that immediate care from healthcare providers may be needed.  In most cases though, the illness resolves by itself and no intervention is needed. Persons with salmonellosis have - aside from diarrhea - fever, and abdominal cramps. In the United States, the Center for Disease Control estimates that food is the source of 1 million cases for this disease.   This is the type of disease that restaurants always avoid.

3. Murine typhus - Symptoms for murine typhus include fever, headache, myalgia, vomiting, stomach pain, and cough. This disease can be treated with antibiotics. 

4. Rat-bite fever - Though the disease is named after rats, the infection can occur from mice.  Consuming food and water that are contaminated with mice urine and droppings can transmit this disease. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, rash, and joint pain and swelling. These symptoms usually appear after 3 to 10 days after being contaminated.

5. Leptospirosis - Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease caused by the bacteria Leptospira.  Infection of humans can happen if there is contact with urine from infected animals, including mice.  Bacteria can enter through breaks in the skin. People who wade through floodwaters are at high risk if they have wounded at the lower part of their legs or feet. Symptoms of this disease include headaches, chills, muscle aches, high fever, vomiting, rashes, and jaundice or yellow skin and eyes.

The Role Of Pest Control Against Mice

Ever since humans and mice came into contact, pest control measures have been developed to control the damage. Chemical pest controls have been developed over the years, but as mice become wise to them, these chemical pesticides have been rendered useless. Traps also work for some time, but mice are so smart that they learn how to avoid them.

Lately, more and more people are switching to natural pest control methods.

Integrated Pest Control Management, or the manner of controlling pests without using harmful chemical pesticides, is also being accepted by many right now.

Perhaps, the easiest - and the best way to control mice is to get a pest control professional. These pest experts can pay you a visit, analyze the situation, and recommend the best courses of action for you. Plus they will do all the dirty work.

Without pest control, the world will go back to the way it was during the Middle Ages, where plague and other diseases ravaged entire populations because pests were allowed free rein.  

DIY Pest Control Methods You Should Do At Home

Before you seek professional assistance, here are some ways you can get rid of mice in your house.  

1. Inspect around the house and look for cracks, crevices, and holes. Seal them off by caulking as these may be used by mice as entry points. Mice can squeeze into a hole the size of a nickel.  

2. Mice attack houses because primarily because they are searching for food. Store food in sealed containers. Food stored inside cartons should also be taken off the cartons because they can gnaw through it. It should be placed in plastic food containers as well. This will also prevent the mice from contaminating your food.

3. Dispose of your trash regularly. Place a cover on your trash can. Mice forage for food in these places too.  

4. Try using traps - snap-type ones specifically. Place them next to the walls. Mice usually crawl near walls because this is where they are most comfortable. They rarely go out in the open. Anyway, traps can certainly help reduce their population.  

5. Keep your house clean. Clean around the kitchen, especially focusing on cooking areas and grill.

These steps can surely help you get rid of mice in your house. Still, if all else fails there is another course of action you can take. Call in the best companies to help me get rid of mice, that is the Lake Norman Home Services.

Lake Norman Home Services Is Simply The Best!

No home or pest is the same, so there is no cookie-cutter solution.

At Lake Norman Home Services, we have professional technicians who will examine your home and your lawn to evaluate your individual necessity. We will identify points of entry and make treatments as necessary. We only use state of the art equipment to keep up with these ever-evolving pests.

For your pest control needs, call us now.

Our friendly operators are standing by.


Tags: home pest control mice prevention mice control

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Are Mice Considered Pests?

Mice are amazingly intelligent creatures with great memories. A lot of times, if you have mice in your house either as pets or as pests, you could see them sniffing the air and just observing their surroundings. This is their way of investigating, and they always do this. Alas, they always avoid confrontation and can hide quickly, squeezing through tiny holes the size of a coin.

Since they have great memories, they are wary of items that were not in their paths before, like a mousetrap that was recently placed there by someone.

That is why trying to catch a mouse can be a very frustrating activity. We will have to outsmart a mouse if that is an appropriate word.

Mice are common household pests that can be found in millions of households all over the world, Mooresville included.

If you are one of those people with mice infestation problems, you came to the right site!

Let us talk about mice, and how to get rid of mice in Mooresville, North Carolina.

About Mice

Mice are small rodents that come in light brown to grayish colors. They weigh only about ½ ounce, with long tails that are longer than their bodies, and with small black pair of eyes.

Their bodies are so flexible, they can squeeze through tiny holes. Life is also short for them; their lifespan is from 1 ½ year to 3 years.

Mice can be found not only in houses, but also in restaurants, offices, warehouses, hotels, and anywhere there are humans because where there are humans, there is food.

They can survive without water for 20 days, getting hydration from the food they eat.

Mice are known to be nocturnal animals.

Social Life

Mice are highly social creatures. They live in a nest and easily get lonely when left alone. They feel depressed when left without a companion or when they lose a companion due to death.

Mice are very playful. They enjoy each other’s company. Studies have shown that mice show a variety of emotions as well. They laugh and they cry, you can hear the with the way they squeal.

Mice reproduce quickly, which is why their species is very successful despite the fact that humans are always out to kill them. In fact, they reproduce every three weeks. An adult mouse can breed as early as their 5th week of existence.

Mice As Pests

Mice do a lot of damage wherever they go. They contaminate our food which in turn brings diseases to humans. The diseases spread by mice include leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, salmonellosis and Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.

Mice are also such a nuisance, chewing on paper, clothes, boxes, and books. They are always looking for something to chew on. It is not really because they are always hungry, though that is always part of the reason. Mice have incisors that are constantly growing all their lives. Chewing on something prevents them from growing out of hand. These are things we all keep bit they eat. Aside from this, they eat food meant for human and pet consumption, thus making them unsafe to eat.

Some people are terrified of mice and can cause anxiety and restlessness.

Vectors Of Diseases

Mice are known to be deadly disease vectors. Many humans succumbed to the diseases they have transmitted.

Transmission usually happens when we ingest food or water that is contaminated with mice droppings, urine, vomit, or saliva. Among these diseases are the following:

1. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome - HPS is a severe and even fatal respiratory disease transmitted by mice. This disease can be spread either by inhaling dust that is contaminated by mice urine or droppings; or direct contact with mice droppings. Well, there is another way and that is through a mouse's bite. Early symptoms include fever, muscle aches, fatigue, chills, dizziness. For late symptoms, there is coughing and shortness of breath. Immediate medical care is very important due to its deadly nature. 

2. Salmonellosis - Humans are infected by ingesting food or water that is contaminated by mice droppings. This illness lasts from 4 days to one week. Diarrhea may be present, and in some cases, diarrhea can be so severe that immediate care from healthcare providers may be needed.  In most cases though, the illness resolves by itself and no intervention is needed. Persons with salmonellosis have - aside from diarrhea - fever, and abdominal cramps. In the United States, the Center for Disease Control estimates that food is the source of 1 million cases for this disease.   This is the type of disease that restaurants always avoid.

3. Murine typhus - Symptoms for murine typhus include fever, headache, myalgia, vomiting, stomach pain, and cough. This disease can be treated with antibiotics. 

4. Rat-bite fever - Though the disease is named after rats, the infection can occur from mice.  Consuming food and water that are contaminated with mice urine and droppings can transmit this disease. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, rash, and joint pain and swelling. These symptoms usually appear after 3 to 10 days after being contaminated.

5. Leptospirosis - Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease caused by the bacteria Leptospira.  Infection of humans can happen if there is contact with urine from infected animals, including mice.  Bacteria can enter through breaks in the skin. People who wade through floodwaters are at high risk if they have wounded at the lower part of their legs or feet. Symptoms of this disease include headaches, chills, muscle aches, high fever, vomiting, rashes, and jaundice or yellow skin and eyes.

The Role Of Pest Control Against Mice

Ever since humans and mice came into contact, pest control measures have been developed to control the damage. Chemical pest controls have been developed over the years, but as mice become wise to them, these chemical pesticides have been rendered useless. Traps also work for some time, but mice are so smart that they learn how to avoid them.

Lately, more and more people are switching to natural pest control methods.

Integrated Pest Control Management, or the manner of controlling pests without using harmful chemical pesticides, is also being accepted by many right now.

Perhaps, the easiest - and the best way to control mice is to get a pest control professional. These pest experts can pay you a visit, analyze the situation, and recommend the best courses of action for you. Plus they will do all the dirty work.

Without pest control, the world will go back to the way it was during the Middle Ages, where plague and other diseases ravaged entire populations because pests were allowed free rein.  

DIY Pest Control Methods You Should Do At Home

Before you seek professional assistance, here are some ways you can get rid of mice in your house.  

1. Inspect around the house and look for cracks, crevices, and holes. Seal them off by caulking as these may be used by mice as entry points. Mice can squeeze into a hole the size of a nickel.  

2. Mice attack houses because primarily because they are searching for food. Store food in sealed containers. Food stored inside cartons should also be taken off the cartons because they can gnaw through it. It should be placed in plastic food containers as well. This will also prevent the mice from contaminating your food.

3. Dispose of your trash regularly. Place a cover on your trash can. Mice forage for food in these places too.  

4. Try using traps - snap-type ones specifically. Place them next to the walls. Mice usually crawl near walls because this is where they are most comfortable. They rarely go out in the open. Anyway, traps can certainly help reduce their population.  

5. Keep your house clean. Clean around the kitchen, especially focusing on cooking areas and grill.

These steps can surely help you get rid of mice in your house. Still, if all else fails there is another course of action you can take. Call in the best companies to help me get rid of mice, that is the Lake Norman Home Services.

Lake Norman Home Services Is Simply The Best!

No home or pest is the same, so there is no cookie-cutter solution.

At Lake Norman Home Services, we have professional technicians who will examine your home and your lawn to evaluate your individual necessity. We will identify points of entry and make treatments as necessary. We only use state of the art equipment to keep up with these ever-evolving pests.

For your pest control needs, call us now.

Our friendly operators are standing by.

1. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome - HPS is a severe and even fatal respiratory disease transmitted by mice. This disease can be spread either by inhaling dust that is contaminated by mice urine or droppings; or direct contact with mice droppings. Well, there is another way and that is through a mouse's bite. Early symptoms include fever, muscle aches, fatigue, chills, dizziness. For late symptoms, there is coughing and shortness of breath. Immediate medical care is very important due to its deadly nature. 

2. Salmonellosis - Humans are infected by ingesting food or water that is contaminated by mice droppings. This illness lasts from 4 days to one week. Diarrhea may be present, and in some cases, diarrhea can be so severe that immediate care from healthcare providers may be needed.  In most cases though, the illness resolves by itself and no intervention is needed. Persons with salmonellosis have - aside from diarrhea - fever, and abdominal cramps. In the United States, the Center for Disease Control estimates that food is the source of 1 million cases for this disease.   This is the type of disease that restaurants always avoid.

3. Murine typhus - Symptoms for murine typhus include fever, headache, myalgia, vomiting, stomach pain, and cough. This disease can be treated with antibiotics. 

4. Rat-bite fever - Though the disease is named after rats, the infection can occur from mice.  Consuming food and water that are contaminated with mice urine and droppings can transmit this disease. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, rash, and joint pain and swelling. These symptoms usually appear after 3 to 10 days after being contaminated.

5. Leptospirosis - Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease caused by the bacteria Leptospira.  Infection of humans can happen if there is contact with urine from infected animals, including mice.  Bacteria can enter through breaks in the skin. People who wade through floodwaters are at high risk if they have wounded at the lower part of their legs or feet. Symptoms of this disease include headaches, chills, muscle aches, high fever, vomiting, rashes, and jaundice or yellow skin and eyes.

1. Inspect around the house and look for cracks, crevices, and holes. Seal them off by caulking as these may be used by mice as entry points. Mice can squeeze into a hole the size of a nickel.  

2. Mice attack houses because primarily because they are searching for food. Store food in sealed containers. Food stored inside cartons should also be taken off the cartons because they can gnaw through it. It should be placed in plastic food containers as well. This will also prevent the mice from contaminating your food.

3. Dispose of your trash regularly. Place a cover on your trash can. Mice forage for food in these places too.  

4. Try using traps - snap-type ones specifically. Place them next to the walls. Mice usually crawl near walls because this is where they are most comfortable. They rarely go out in the open. Anyway, traps can certainly help reduce their population.  

5. Keep your house clean. Clean around the kitchen, especially focusing on cooking areas and grill.

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