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Mosquito Repelling Plants You Need To Have


Living in a property free from pests will also free you from sickness, inconveniences, and repair costs. Homeowners will be happy to spend more time in a home with no pest problems as they can fully enjoy it with their family, pets, and visitors. However, that’s not the case all the time. Pests will always be pests, and they will infest your home whether you like it or not.

Among the pests that invade homes, mosquitoes are the ones homeowners or everyone would like to avoid. This pest is extremely dangerous as they carry deadly and severe diseases that you wouldn’t want to acquire. Mosquitoes aren't considered the “most dangerous animal in the world” for nothing.

Mosquitoes are disease-carrying pests and have been affecting almost the entire world. They are carriers of dengue fever, Malaria, Zika virus, encephalitis, and more which can affect children, teenagers, adults, and even pregnant women.

The dangers of mosquitoes are uncountable and letting them enter your home and infest freely is never good. When you see these pests around your property, a professional pest control company should be called immediately to resolve the problem.

However, if you want to do some preventive measures first on your own, you can use plants as a solution. Here are some mosquito repelling plants that you need to have if you want to stop them from coming into your home. Read more now!


This is a pleasant, beautiful, and purple plant that you can have right at home to help repel mosquitoes. Lavender is considered effective in deterring the mosquitoes that insist on flying around our properties. The plant does not only scare mosquitoes away; it can also repel other insects like flies, ants, moths, and spiders. According to a mosquito exterminator, lavender releases a smell that mosquitoes cannot stand and leaves them flying away from homes. If you have this plant at home, it can also help in relieving the itchiness from mosquito bites once you rub the leaves on it. Lavender is a great plant to have at home as you can also use it for aromatherapy. A lot of people really enjoy using the oil as well. If you wish to grow this plant, don’t worry because it is not demanding as it can grow in warm places and as long as it gets the needed moisture and sunlight.


Basil is another plant you need to have at home, and you will never regret it. This plant serves two purposes as it can also be used in cooking. In pest control, the strong smell of basil releases is what mosquitoes and flies hate. Once the pests sense its smell, it will drive them away. You can make basil spray out of the leaves by getting its oil. Spray it around your property or on your skin to stop mosquitoes from biting you. A pest expert in Mooresville highly recommends basil for your home. You can plant it in pots, in your backyard, garden, or on ponds which will help in lessening the eggs mosquitoes produce and lay. Go ahead and plant basil on your property right away to help in preventing mosquitoes from spreading deadly diseases.

Citronella Grass

Having plants that can repel mosquitoes is a good help as it can prevent annoying pests like mosquitoes from infesting. Among the plants you would want that help to repel the most dangerous animal in the world, mosquitoes, you need to add citronella grass to your collection of plants at home. This plant is used in many mosquito repelling products. Citronella is a recommended plant by a pest expert because the lemon and orangey smell can shoo pests away successfully. You can rub the oil from the plant onto your skin to deter insects and mosquitoes. Because of its effectiveness, citronella candles are made which helps in deterring mosquitoes and other insects. If you plan to grow this plant at home, keep it in a place that can receive much sunlight and good soil. 


If a woody scent is what you want, there is a plant that can fulfill your wish, and that is rosemary. This plant is known for its unique scent and of course to repel mosquitoes. This herb can get rid of mosquitoes, carrot flies, and cabbage moths which are all pesky. Rosemary can thrive in places where the climate is dry and hot. If you live in a place where winters happen, planting it in a container is ideal. Aside from its pest control ability, it can also be used as a seasoning and as a herbal remedy. If you want to use rosemary as a mosquito repellent we would advise crushing the leaves and mixing them in with a non-scented lotion so you can easily apply. Of course, if this fails, you can call a mosquito exterminator to do the dirty work for you.


Having some mint smell at home is refreshing and aromatic. But did you know that the smell of mint is good for repelling mosquitoes away? Well, peppermint could be the solution you need. The plant gives a scent of mint which is used for aromatherapy and pest control. The plant’s scent can effectively deter insects, including mosquitoes which are known to be dangerous. The plant’s flowers, stems, and leaves release its essence. Peppermint is not only good for keeping mosquitoes away, but it can also repel the creepy and scary spiders which keep on infesting your Mooresville area home. The oil from this plant can get rid of mosquito eggs and larvae. Applying this can help control the population around your property. But, if things don’t go the way you planned, hiring a Mooresville pest control company is the best resort.

Lemon Thyme

Having a plant that has several purposes is good as you can fulfill several needs like making your food savory and repelling annoying pests like mosquitoes. The plant is known to be lemon thyme, and it is one of the plants you need to have at home if you have mosquitoes. This plant is known to be an exceptional repellent for insects, and it can drive away not only mosquitoes but several pests like garden pests. According to a local mosquito exterminator, the pungent smell of lemon thyme can make mosquitoes fly away. If you want to avoid itchy and dangerous mosquito bites, crushing the leaves of lemon thyme, mixing with a non-scented lotion, and applying it onto your skin is a good idea. But, like using other mosquito repellents, test it first to avoid skin allergies and reactions.


Another plant you need to have if you have mosquito problems is catnip. This plant is a relative of mint and its scent can drive away mosquitoes effectively and can attract cats as well. This plant is easy to grow, and it is usually seen everywhere. Catnip is considered to be a very effective repellent for mosquitoes because it works better than DEET which is used for insect repellent products. Having this plant at home is helpful, but if you can’t get the result you want, you can always call on your local Mooresville mosquito control professionals at Lake Norman Home Services for help!

That’s it! These are the mosquito repelling plants you need to have if you want to have a mosquito-free home. What’s good with these plants, they can also get rid of other insects that keep on pestering your home. However, relying alone on these plants may not be enough; that’s why you still need professional help to reach your goal.

Professional Pest Control Company

Mosquitoes are dangerous, and if you have them around, your health will always be at risk. To make your heart and home at ease, let Lake Norman Home Services do the work for you.

Lake Norman Home Services is the leading company when pests are your problem. Our company is the best in delivering and performing exceptional services that you cannot find from others. We have the best equipment that can help eliminate all types of pests infesting properties.

At Lake Norman Home Services, your pest issues are handled by highly trained, licensed, and expert pest technicians who are well-rounded in doing pest control for commercial and residential properties. Our team will come into your home and inspect your property to find what and where the problem is. With us, your money and time will always be valued and will never be wasted because we only have the best pest control in town, which is incomparable to others.

When you have mosquitoes or other pests in your property, don’t worry because Lake Norman Home Services is always here to help you. Call our professionals or simply click here now and experience excellent and high-quality services without spending too much!