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How To Deal With Bedbugs When You Travel


Traveling is really fun and satisfying. You get to go to different places you have wanted to visit ever since. You will appreciate the new environment and the scenery around you. You feel relax and away from stress. However, what if your rest time is bothered by nuisance pests like bedbugs? You might be surprised when you wake up after a good night sleep on your hotel and discover the red, swelling and painful bumps on your skin. That surely is not something to celebrate as it will irritate you, and worse put you in a bad mood throughout the day or so. Who would want red and itchy marks on the skin, right? That is a serious nightmare to your traveling experience.

It is a known fact that as a traveler, you will be sleeping in different places. May it be in a cheap apartment or in an expensive hotel. But there is always a risk on this. You might encounter the unwanted guests in your sleep called bed bugs. These are small, oval, brownish insects that feed on human blood which prefer to live on sofas, bed mattresses, clothing, and other soft furnishings.

If you are bitten by them, it surely is so much of a hassle because of the uncomfortable feeling. You tend to scratch the bitten areas because they are too itchy. These bugs are really a pain in the ass, especially in the lodging world. If you are a frequent traveler, then you must expect these nuisances coming your way.

How To Deal With Bed Bugs

Although bedbugs while traveling is already expected, there are ways on how to deal with them. You do not really have to freak out once you are bitten or see one. This is so common to travelers that they have been securing themselves and their things from the bedbugs in the place where they are staying. To have an idea on what to do, here are the following tips you can consider about dealing bedbugs while traveling.

1. Isolate Your Belongings

Once you discover bedbugs on your bed or in any area of the place you are staying, the first thing to do is to isolate your belongings. Separate those who have not come in contact with bedbugs while those you have come into contact must be placed into a plastic bag and seal it. For your other things not to be touched by these pests, seal it in a different plastic bag. Make sure that there is no other space where bedbugs can get access to it. As a precautionary measure, do not place your clothes and other things on your bed until you are confident it is devoid of bugs.

2. Notify The Hostel Or Hotel

Most lodging places to stay are not free of bedbugs. Therefore, once you see any of it, you need to notify the hostel or hotel staffs and manager. They will look into it and probably help you out. Unfortunately, there are some who do not care. At this point, you need to leave the current place you are staying. Rather than putting yourself at inconvenience and risk, it is better to leave the place to not hinder your fun and excitement on your travel.

You need not have to worry because most lodging places will refund the amount you paid. If they don’t, then persist and complain because of such incompetent service. As their client, you are entitled to have a better service you experience from them. If they would not give you that, leave their site your honest review. They probably do not want to hear negative feedback. Thus, a lot will attend your needs if they see their client being uncomfortable inside their premise.

3. Get A Heat Treatment

You are probably new to the concept of heat treatment but this is one of the most effective ways to deal with bed bugs. Heat treatments are a chemical-free method of pest control used to treat bedbugs by increasing the temperature of the affected room, or even your things. You can ask the hostel or hotel you are staying to get you with it. If there is none, go to the nearest heat treatment service that can help you out. You can bring your things with you. This is also the best method to do first when you return home from travels to secure your things from the possible bedbugs hiding on your luggage.

If you do not want to experience such inconvenience ever again, it is better to know the things you have to do while settling yourself in the room the first night of your stay or before going back home. The first thing to do is to thoroughly check your room for bedbugs before deciding to settle for the place. It is what most travelers do now once they check in their hotel or any place they are accommodated. Also, consider putting your belongings in an inside sealed plastic bag during the whole duration of your stay to protect your luggage from bedbugs crawling inside.

You also should not forget to shop for things you need to prevent bedbugs. Aside from extra-large, sealable plastic bags to guard your luggage, buy a zippered vinyl mattress encasement to seal in any potential bed bugs in the mattress. Lastly, you need to visit a bed bug heating service before bringing back your luggage in your house after traveling. If you miss it, there is a possibility of carrying with your belongings the bed bugs and transfer to your home.

These bed bugs should not scare you on your travel time. As what the famous saying goes “Prevention is better than cure,” it is indeed necessary to be well prepared including the consideration of possible bed bugs encounter. As someone who wants to relax and enjoy the new place, a dilemma of bedbugs should not hinder you from getting the satisfaction of wandering around. You need to gather good and memorable memories and not the horrifying bedbug experience. Feel free to gather more ideas on how to settle yourself on your travel period and make sure to know some basic aids of any trouble of such that you may encounter.

4. Contact A Pest Control Provider

If by chance you travel to Mooresville, North Carolina, sometimes, it is inevitable to manage bed bugs during your stay. If you somehow choose to rent an apartment with bed bugs and you have no time to use DIY methods to take control of the infestation, it is recommended to call for the best local exterminator in Mooresville, NC.

Although, during your research, there will be companies out there to entice you to choose their services. But how can you guarantee without actually experiencing their methods? First, you need to do your own research and consider these factors: knowledge, skill, treatments, and price.

It is imperative to choose knowledge and skill as the preliminary measures of looking for a pest control provider.  You must also consider the treatments used by the exterminators. Of course, most of the treatments will be done indoors probably on your bed and on your clothes. You need to look for a pest control company that uses high-quality yet safe methods of pest control. During your research, feel free to ask the companies if the residue of their treatment is safe for human or pet contact. You wouldn’t want to wear your clothes and suddenly feel the sudden burn and sting of the chemicals from the pesticides. Also, I am sure you wouldn’t want to sleep on a bed filled with itchy substances. How will you enjoy your vacation then?

Of course, you will be bringing cash with you for your expenses. But I know you prefer spending it on food, accessories, lodging, and other souvenirs during your stay. If you were to get rid of bed bugs for good, you need to look for a competent yet affordable pest control service to solve your problems for you.

The Best Pest Control Service

Let me make things easier for you. If you are in Mooresville, North Carolina, you would be crazy to call anyone else but Lake Norman Home Services. This humble company has been providing service for more than 50 years. They dedicate themselves to excellence, competence one, and customer satisfaction. Their team comprises of highly-skilled, highly-trained, and highly-determined exterminators to solve every pest problem for you at a very affordable price.

At Lake Norman Home Services, you can experience TOP-NOTCH quality unlike any other. You would be surprised what the exterminators can do to fully eliminate your pest problems. The best part is, at Lake Norman Home Services, they use efficient and human-friendly methods of pest control. You don’t have to worry about the chemicals ruining your bed or your clothes.

This humble company employs proven and tested methods of pest control that will instantly kill pests without harming humans, pets, nor plants. What are you waiting for? Your bedbug-free life awaits you at Lake Norman Home Services.