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What To Do When A Wasp Stings?


Wasps are very useful to the ecology; they control other pests and help in pollination. Simply put, without them, we will be overrun by insects. So how come they are considered pests?  Well, their presence alone can disrupt our outdoor parties and picnics; they build their nests in our backyard, and they sting! Their stings are painful, and they have venoms that make it so painful and irritating.

When Do Wasps Sting?

They sting when they feel threatened. They are equipped with stingers to defend themselves. The difference between a bee stinging and a wasp stinging is that bees do so only once because their stingers are lodged into the skin of their victims. The wasp can sting several times during an attack because their stingers remain intact.

When Is It They Feel Threatened by a Human?

Jumping, raising your hands, swinging your arms, or trying to shoo them away are to them, clear signs of danger. There is a reason we should only behave in a certain way in their presence.

Effects of a Wasp Sting

Normal reactions would be, aside from pain and swelling, visible welts around the sting site.  Pain and swelling disappear within hours of getting stung. Some people may show much worse symptoms probably due to allergic reactions to the sting. They suffer from extreme redness and swelling, nausea, and vomiting. Fortunately, these symptoms usually subside on their own. There are some people who do have a severe allergic reaction to wasp stings, or anaphylaxis. 

If you are living in Mooresville, it is very important to seek medical care to treat anaphylaxis and seek the help of a wasp exterminator in Lake Norman. Symptoms of severe allergic reactions are:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Severe swelling of the face
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Weak pulse
  • Loss of consciousness 

Treating Wasp Stings

Mild stings can be treated at home. Here are things to do when you only have a mild reaction to the sting:

  • Remove whatever is left of the venom.  Wash the site of the sting with soap and water.
  • Reduce swelling by applying a cold pack to the sting site.
  • If you want to, you may cover it with a bandage for added protection.
  • For pain, you may use over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen.  Antihistamine drugs can relieve itching as well. Baking soda can be used to soothe the skin.

For severe allergic reactions, treatments include:

  • Epinephrine, which calms the immune system.
  • Oxygen or steroids to improve breathing.
  • If breathing suddenly stops after the sting, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR.
  • If you have a history of anaphylaxis, always carry a wasp sting kit.  This kit should contain epinephrine injections.
  • Seek medical treatment from your healthcare provider.

Wasps are not really bad guys, despite what has been talked about in this article. Like human beings would do for their families, the wasps are only out to defend themselves from what they perceive as threats. That is just how nature wired them to be. Do not attempt to swipe a wasp away when it lands on you. More will come to its aid, and you would not want that.

Just remember, let us leave the wasps alone. If your residence is infested with wasps, call the pest exterminator in Mooresville, North Carolina, the Lake Norman Home Services Company which is famous for its extensive procedure and excellent services in dealing with different pests.