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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

The Most Common Pests In Davidson, NC


As a responsible homeowner and parent, it is your utmost duty to provide a safe environment for your children and to your whole family. However, this is not merely providing shelter to your loved ones, it means maintaining safety and security at all times. But, there are uncontrolled factors that can compromise the health of our family members. This includes pests that can bring diseases especially to children will have a weaker immune system. 

Pests To Be Aware Of In Davidson, NC

In this segment, I will be discussing the most common pests in Davidson, North Carolina to watch out for. Because these pests are the most notorious bacteria spreaders and home destroyers, we need to take care of these problems immediately. Did you know that a person cannot go anywhere inside the house without of pest within 2 feet from his location? Pests are literally everywhere. Who knows what illnesses or parasites they brought inside our home? Yet the most intriguing question is when will we need the help of local pest control in Davidson NC.


The most common pest we can all agree on is the ant.  Most people disregard ants as a dangerous species. But the truth is, these tiny pests can spread millions of bacteria in no time.  We all know what ants do for a living, they prey on literally everything including the carcasses of dead insects and animals, spoiled food, and many others. Ants can be found anywhere at home, spreading various kinds of parasites to the family.  


The same is true to cockroaches. They are the most disgusting creatures on Earth that I know of. But these creatures are very durable. You know how most people would just rush them down the drain are down the toilet? Actually, cockroaches can live for more than 30 minutes while being submerged under water.  You will only be sending it home with a greater chance to come back stronger. Other people choose to behead cockroaches to kill them.  Little do they know that these creatures can still survive for days even without their head.  Imagine how much more bacteria they can spread in that duration.


Third most common home pest is the mouse.  We can observe the fact that these creatures are way too flexible and fast despite their size. There also known to be notorious home destroyers.  They can gnaw on anything they get their teeth on including electrical wirings and appliances that can lead to a home fire.

Seek Professional Help

These are only a few reasons why you need to seek help from professionals when it comes to exterminating pests.  You need someone who knows the activities of these insects to assess where to hit them where it hurts the most. If you’re looking for the best and most competent pest control provider in Davidson, North Carolina, we are proud to introduce Lake Norman Home Services.  This humble company has been founded by Sam and Fran Newman in the 1900s.

For over 50 years, they have been providing high-quality service using state-of-the-art methods of pest control. At Lake Norman Home Services we care about your endeavors and obligations. And we aim to provide the safety you deserve from pests at a very affordable price. With the help of our experts, you will be sure to have the secure home you always dreamed about.  All it takes is one quick call. What are you waiting for? Call us now!