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The Effect Of Pests To Children


Most people disregard the idea of prevention against pests. Little do they know that there are various effects of pests not only to our home but also our family, specifically our children. As we all know, children have a weak immune system, they easily catch dirt and bacteria, causing various illnesses and diseases.

Pests Carry Diseases

For example, a mouse and a rat can bring salmonellosis, amoebiasis, rat-bite fever and many more. Ticks from dogs can cause Lyme disease and skin infections. Apart from these, cockroaches and ants can bring a significant number of diseases as well.

Pests May Result In Trauma

Children also have wild imaginations. Their thoughts and emotions can amplify in ways that adults can’t understand. One simple event can turn into trauma. A simple fear can cause a phobia. I do not know if you know this but a phobia of insects exists in this world. In psychology, may have a term called entomophobia or the fear of insects in general. In a more specific sense, Katsaridaphobia refers to the fear of cockroaches.

Now, why do children acquire such phobia at an early age? Well, there are various situations where they can acquire such extreme fear towards insects. For children, pests seem scary and disgusting. Getting in contact with insects can be very threatening especially that their feet and body are slimy or hairy, and rough. Children can intensify the sensation of feeling the texture of the insects and therefore generate a threatening image in their mind. Another situation is being locked up in a small closet with an insect, particularly a mouse, a rat, a spider, or a cockroach which are very terrifying to most children.

There are also instances when a child suddenly gets in contact with a pest outside the house or at the lawn. Sometimes, in school, children can bully others through threatening them using pests and insects. Sooner than later, they start to develop a fear of getting near these insects. Sometimes, they do not even want to see such insects and do what they can to ward them off.

Pests May Cause A Phobia

Once the children have developed the fear towards insects, it only takes one triggering situation to activate the onset of phobia within their mind. Phobia is another new level of fear. It entails extreme and irrational fear of insects which causes a child to do harsh means to prevent insect and pest infestation. It starts to inhibit the child from living his life to the fullest and it impairs healthy functioning in an individual. This is the reason why we need to teach our children healthy coping mechanisms to deal with pests inside their mind. Although pests are something to worry about, they should be feared in a rational way.

Prevention Methods

As homeowners in Cornelius, North Carolina, it is important to instill bravery and courage to these situations to help them adjust to instances where their boldness are challenged by pests and insects. It is also important to deal with these parasites as soon as possible. Avoid our children from having such encounters with insects and pests. With basic methods such as cleaning and regular inspection of dark and unused spaces, you can also seek help from professional pest control providers in Cornelius, NC. With the help of their services, you can help prevent and exterminate pests in no time.

In Cornelius, North Carolina, you are lucky to have Lake Norman Home Services at your service. This humble firm wants nothing more than to provide the utmost safety and protection to your family against pests. For over 50 years, this trusted local pest experts in Cornelius, NC have been saving lives and providing smiles to their customers. At a very affordable price, Lake Norman Home Services provides every necessary method for pest control.  So, what are you waiting for? All it takes is just one quick call!