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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

Things To Do Before A Professional Termite Treatment


Termites are considered the most destructive insects that a property can encounter. It can destroy your biggest investment which is your humble abode. That would put you in a very detrimental position. Which is why you will need somebody to help you exterminate the threat. To do that, you can call a competent pest control service or agency.

The Search for a Competent Pest Control Service

In looking for the best pest control service in Denver, NC, there are some factors you should consider. You need ample research before you call a pest control service to ensure the efficiency and competence of the exterminator.

First and foremost, you need to consider the knowledge and skills of the exterminators. They must be highly trained in their line of work and they must be equipped with the latest knowledge in pest control. It is always a practitioner’s societal and scientific duty to keep an updated database as a basis for his profession. So, this is a very important criterion to look forward to in searching for a pest control service.

The next criteria to look for is the methodologies. Feel free to ask the company what makes their treatments different than others. What do they advocate for in their line of work? What makes them the best and most unique among the rest?

To make a good run for your money, it is your duty to gather as many details as you can about a certain pest control company. You would not want to be a victim of deceit and treachery. Remember, these cases exist in all forms of business, not just in finance, sales, and other forms of business. There are other firms out there who will get you to avail of their services just so they can get your money. They have no regard for whether they are giving you competent service or not.

The Best Pest Control Service in Denver, NC

Without further ado, the best pest control service in Denver that you can call is at your fingertips. Introducing, Lake Norman Home Services, founded by Sam and Fran Newman in the 1900s. Ever since they started this company, they have dedicated their full efforts to give their 100% in every service. The experts at this humble company pride themselves in using state-of-the-art methods of pest control. It is proven and tested in various situations and they take it as their duty to keep their methods up-to-date.

Lake Norman Home Services is your number-one go-to for your pest problems. With just one quick call, they will fix your problems in the blink of an eye. Soon enough, you no longer have to worry about any pests in or out of your household. They provide all the necessary services without any additional price. Ask your neighbors, your peers, your schoolmates, and workmates. I guarantee you. One name will run supreme. That is Lake Norman Home Services.

What to Do Before an Extermination

Termite control treatment is one of the services offered by these pest control professionals. But before they do their job, you need to consider several tips and activities to make sure the process runs as smoothly as possible.

Firstly, check your kitchen and dining area. Store all your utensils, plates, cutlery, cups, glasses, and all your dining accessories in a secure area. You should also cover the water outlet of your water filters. And if possible, wrap it with plastic. Ideally, move the small kitchen appliances out of the kitchen. This includes your toaster, coffee maker, and other appliances. However, if that is not possible, unplug and cover them thoroughly with plastic wrapping. If you have to leave them on the countertop, make them easy to move around. Kitchen sinks are sprayed. So, do not cover them or use them for storage.

Food for people, animals, and pets, as well as tobacco products and medicines (including items in refrigerators and freezers),  can remain in your home if they are stored in plastics, glasses, cans, or jars with the original manufacturer’s seal intact. If the items are not sealed thoroughly, they must be secured in a double bag or in special nylon bags provided by your fumigator. Bottled or canned items that have not been opened and still have the original manufacturer’s airtight seal do not need to be removed. These items include drinks, pantry items like soup, and medicines. Dry goods packaged in bags and/or cardboard boxes need to be removed or double-bagged even if they haven’t been opened. These items include cereal, chips, rice, etc.

Pack and store your clothes to ensure effective protection from chemicals. Your jewelry, make-up, and toiletries should also be packed away. But mattresses sealed in plastic, such as baby mattresses, need to be removed or the waterproof covers must be removed or opened. These plastic covers can slow the rate at which the fumigant aerates. You also should remove plastic covers from your chairs sofas and other encased items.

Remove any large pieces of furniture or appliances away from the corners of your home. This will give ease to professionals who will perform termite treatment. It is also important that you unplug and turn off your ovens, television sets, refrigerators, washing machines, and gas flames. The day before the fumigation, someone from the gas company should turn off the gas line to your house.

All breakable items should also be removed from tables, walls, or cabinets, in areas to be treated, so that nothing will be knocked over. If you have paintings, try covering them with plastic, as the paint of your favorite wall decoration may not like the chemicals. If your bathrooms will be sprayed, it is best emptied out. You will need to pay attention to your toothbrushes, floss, shaving razors, etc. It is best to replace your soaps and detergents after the treatment.

If you have pets, try dropping them off at a neighbor’s or friend’s place for the duration of termite treatment as pets are usually very sensitive to chemicals. Store your pet’s bedding and toys carefully. Get your furry friend a flea and tick treatment at the vet. If you have an aquarium, it must be covered tightly with plastic. Make sure your fish have adequate food for the duration. Turn off any aquarium air pumps. They will suck in air-borne chemicals and introduce them into the water.

Your indoor plants should be moved away from the perimeter of your home to ensure that you protect them from damage. Consider putting it on the roof. Also, on the day before the treatment, water the perimeter of your house at a depth of about six inches. This moisture helps protect plants just outside our house for fumigation. Furthermore, it helps prevent leakage at the base of the fumigant tent. The shrubs around the house should be trimmed to allow room to secure the fumigation tent between the house and the shrubbery.

Rake back gravel or mulch for at least a foot from your foundation. As for the exterior of the house, the professional will help you decide what to do with plants that may obstruct the tent, as some of these may have to be removed.

Chemicals should spread through the house. So, all doors between rooms should be open. You should also leave the closets, drawers, and cabinets open. Remember to raise all your blinds and drapes to allow window access. If you can’t be present during the treatment, you might consider leaving your keys to the termite treatment professionals for they to have easier access to every section of your house.

If required, be prepared to leave the home during the treatment for up to 4 hours. Make sure you have an alternate lodging. Stay with your family members or your friends. If possible, bring enough clothes with you just in case the exterminator instructs you that you cannot go back home until the next day. The duration of pest control on any given home will depend on several factors, including the termiticide required on the case, the thoroughness of the application, local environmental conditions, and the density of termites on the property.

If the termites swarm and continue to infest the structure one year after the treatment, it is not from degradation of the termiticide but because the pests have found an untreated gap in the chemical barrier. So, for your safety, and your family’s as well, do not enter the house until the pest exterminator from Lake Norman Home Services says so. Talk to the professional ahead of time to be sure the schedule of events is clear to everyone.

Your professional termite treatment may have additional suggestions or requests before the treatment. Make sure to ask how you can best prepare for the treatment for a more efficient process.

It is important that you complete these preparation activities before having a professional termite treatment in Denver, North Carolina because a lack of preparation could make a treatment unsafe or cause the reinfestation of termites in the entire home.