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Cat Fleas: Bites, Information, & Control


Cats are one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet. 4000 years ago, the Ancient Egyptians started to domesticate cats. Since then, human beings adopted them to be their pets and life-long partners. Cats are not just animals to most people. They are a friend, a family, and a confidante. Human beings care for these creatures like their own blood. This bond between the human and the cat is one of the most beautiful things to witness on this planet.

As a cat lover, it is your utmost responsibility to provide their basic needs such as food, shelter, security, and safety. Most people think that having a cat is easy. But the fact is, cats need attention, support, and training to grow up healthy and tame.

Other people think that to care for cats only means to give food and water regularly. Actually, they need more than that. They need to be properly groomed as well. One of the main factors that make a cat unhealthy is the infestation of fleas on their coats. Even though they spend 30 to 50 percent of their day grooming themselves, it does not avoid or eliminate the presence of fleas on their bodies.

Cat Fleas

Cat fleas, also known as Ctenocephalides Felis is recorded to be the most common, abundant, and widespread pest all over the world. According to entomologists, these fleas are the most difficult and most annoying pests to get rid of. They can be found anywhere, especially on lawns, gardens, and other untreated areas in your environment. In just two weeks, a cat flea can complete its entire lifecycle. They like to live in warm and humid environments which are something they can find inside homes. Just like other insects, cat fleas have four phases in their lifecycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

The larvae eat organic debris until they start to build their cocoons and transform into pupae. However, to achieve success, they must build their cocoons in an environment with at least 75% humidity. After their transformation, the pupae lie dormant for a couple of weeks or months, wait for the right conditions, then finally hatch as adults.

Once the adult fleas hatch, they start to look for potential food sources. This includes your cat your dog, and even yourself. When they spot their target, they put in their best efforts to infest their coats to pave way for more breeding periods. The female cat flea can lay up to 20 to 50 eggs a day that can hatch in about 2 to 5 days. You’ll be surprised how quickly these eggs can develop into adults. They spread fast. All the more reason to take immediate action against this nuisance.  

The Bite Of Cat Fleas

Just like most pests, the cat flea loves moist and warm. It makes it easier for them to grow and reproduce. This is exactly what they need from your cat’s fur. When a flea bites an animal or a human being, it secretes a form of digestive juice while it sucks blood. In turn, the bite causes red, swelling bumps on the skin. Sometimes, a cat develops an allergic reaction to this juice that can lead to severe dermatitis or other skin infections.

Cat fleas are known to spread diseases among their preys. Researchers have found that these creatures can spread tapeworms to its victims – human or animal. The worst part is, children are more prone to acquire tapeworms when they are bitten by fleas. Further studies have shown that fleas also cause anemia to humans and animals if their infestation gets severe.

One of the dermatologists who studied flea bites, Mr. William Miller, found that fleas do not “bite” per se. They suck blood through a proboscis or a set of tubes on their mouthpart. This is true even to mosquitoes. The first one is for secreting juices, and the second one is for sucking blood.

To determine whether your cat has fleas, observe how often it grooms and scratches itself. Check for any bite marks on their skin. A flea infestation is characterized by hair loss from frequent scratching and grooming. When a cat’s fur is infested, you can also observe reduced appetite and inactivity. One bite from a flea can conjure up a reaction that can last for three to five days. Imagine the discomfort felt by your fur babies.

Do not forget to check the skin around the base of your cat’s tail or its armpits for tiny black dots. This is an indication that fleas have completely infested your cat’s fur. By then, you will need to treat your pet and your home to eliminate any sign of cat flea infestation.

Cat Flea Extermination

Exterminating this type of flea is not without challenge. You see, like the cat, these fleas are also very cunning, agile, and fast. It would be very difficult to catch them much less exterminate them without any tools. So, here are several methods you can do to eliminate fleas on your cat’s fur.

1. Use oral and topical treatments. You can always buy these at pet shops and department stores. When you do, do not forget to read the manual for the dosage, especially for the oral treatments. Ask the specialists for the dose. This usually depends on the weight and age of the cat. They have exclusive doses for cats below 5 kilograms, 5 to 10 kilograms, and 10 to 20 kilograms. Some specialists will even ask how old your cat is to determine the right dosage. For kittens less than 6 months, they have prescribed a lower dose. For adults 6 months and above, they have prescribed a higher dose.

2. If you can afford to go to the vet and ask for help, do so. It is also best to consult to your veterinarian for the proper way to eliminate the fleas from your cat’s fur. There are instances when cats develop allergies to certain substances included in oral treatments. Have your cat checked up first before you buy any oral or topical treatments. Your vet will know what to do.

3. Bathe your cat regularly. There are shampoos and conditioners for cats that good for flea-repellant. When you bathe your cat, make sure you let them soak into the suds of the shampoo for at least 5 minutes to kill the fleas on its fur. While soaking them with the shampoo, check the cat’s fur and hand-pick the fleas. Make sure that you apply the shampoo regularly to its whole body, including the paws, in-between the nails, and armpits.

4. Regularly groom the cat. Get your cat a flea comb and use it regularly. It also helps to buy some leave-on flea-repellants on your cat. It does not only help exterminate fleas. It also helps moisturize the skin and fur of your pet.

Cat Flea Prevention At Home

Cat fleas do not only rely on your pets as a source of moist. They can also live on holes, cracks, and services. It does not matter how much you treat your cat to remove fleas. If you do not take action to other possible habitats, then, you will have a never-ending battle against fleas. To eliminate and prevent any fleas from infesting your home, here are some tips to consider.

Clean your home regularly and do not focus on commonly used places. Fleas like to brood in secure areas such as the wooden furniture, the sofa beds, and the clothing compartments.  They can also be found under the sink, under the couch, and under the bed. It pays off to vacuum and sweep regularly.

You can treat your floors and compartments by using substances that are repulsive to fleas. Did you know that fleas hate the smell of eucalyptus, lavender, garlic, and citronella? If you want, you can use these essential oils to treat your lawn as well. Fleas like to brood in the garden. So, to prevent your cat from catching fleas from the outside, it’s best to have your lawn treated. Just mix a generous amount of oil with water and spray it all over your lawn, especially the part near your door and windows.

Contact The Local Pest Control Company Near Denver

Let’s face it. Fleas can be unstoppable. We can reduce their population but it is impossible for us to eliminate them for good. Which is why it is important to call for pest management in North Carolina. If you are looking for the best pest control service, contact Lake Norman Home Services.

This humble company has been providing service for more than 50 years. In those years of hard work, they have provided the ultimate pest extermination and prevention procedures. The experts from Lake Norman Home Services pride themselves in creating state-of-the-art methods of pest control. They have upheld their scientific and environmental duty to create treatments that are human-friendly and botanical friendly.

Lake Norman Home Services offers a basic service plan that covers the entire home. This plan is not limited to extermination but for prevention as well. So, if you’re ready to provide the long-lasting flea protection to your pets and family, call Lake Norman Home Services.
