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Why Summer Is The Season For Pests


Summer is the best season for me. Just think about all the outdoor activities! All of it sounds like fun. You can call over some friends for a movie marathon. You can organize the party of the year. You can even have a barbeque in the backyard. Summer brings the most wonderful days and you should not miss it for the world.

You know, humans are not the only people who enjoy the summer. Pests love the warm weather too. According to experts, there are five reasons why summer is the season for pests: Temperature, moisture, food sources, life cycle, and daylight.

Did you know that warmer temperatures during spring and summer can affect the behavior and development of common pests? However, not all of them have the same tolerance to heat. For example, fire ants dig deep into the ground to avoid direct sun exposure. Termites look for shelter to infest to avoid any contact with sun rays. This is the reason why termites do not only infest during winter but during summer as well.

Summer is the time when there is an unlimited source of food. It signals the abundance of vegetation in favor of pests at the bottom of the food chain. Pests can reproduce faster, grow faster, and feed faster because of the nutrients they gather from grasses, plants, and soil. This abundance causes a butterfly effect to the upper species in the food chain giving them the same benefits.

Most pets are known to be cold-blooded. Therefore, they are highly affected by the warm weather. According to entomologists, there is an increase in pest activity in certain life stages in the summertime. Experts carefully studied ant colonies. They found out that during the warm weather, ants grow bigger than their typical size. This is to increase their efficiency in foraging food from one place to another in preparation for the upcoming winter season when they become dormant.

Summer entails longer days and shorter nights. This gives pests the opportunity to look for more food and eat. During this season, we can usually see them outdoors – in our lawns, gardens, patios, and backyard. They only look for a way into residential areas when they sense that winter is coming.

Common Summer Pests

Here are some of the most common summer pests in our surroundings:


Cockroaches can be a problem all year round. But they are a bigger problem during the summer. During this season, these creatures look for a safe place to escape the extreme temperature.

Cockroaches have very fast reproductive capabilities. This makes them a major problem even if only a few have entered the house. They can be seen hiding in pipe holes, sinks, fridges, cupboards, wall cracks, boxes, and bins. Although they do not cause diseases themselves, cockroaches can carry and spread germs and bacteria which makes them a serious health risk.

When they attack food, they can cause diseases through cross-contamination. The bacteria they pick up from the food they eat can reside in their gut. Another problem with this pest is its painful and itchy bites. Cockroaches tend to bite toenails, fingernails, and exposed soft skin. They can also enter the nose and ears while one is sleeping. To people with allergies, cockroaches are a serious problem because they can cause rashes, sore eyes, and sneezing. Furthermore, a cockroach infestation can cause asthma to develop in people who are not born asthmatic.


This eight-legged insect comes in various sizes and colors. For the most part, aside from scaring people because of their icky appearance, common spiders are harmless to humans and they also do not cause damage to structures. However, the webs they spin to attract smaller insects are a particular nuisance to homeowners. Spiders are natural predators. Spiders use their venom to subdue their prey but their effect on humans can vary from inconsequential, irritating to serious. There have been rare cases where bites from rare spiders have been known to cause death. Spiders, however, are not aggressive. They don’t set out to intentionally attack a human. They only bite when they feel threatened.


Ants are known to forage and store food for their growing colony during the winter and rainy seasons. They are virtually harmless to human health. However, ants can be a nuisance to home and building owners. An ant infestation can affect the structural integrity of buildings and houses. Ants scavenge food crumbs and garbage and are especially attracted to sweet, greasy, protein-based food. Because they are so small, they can easily enter homes through the tiniest cracks in the walls and floor. Some ants even posed a threat to homes and structures like the carpenter ants which eat through wood. Others pose a health risk like the pharaoh ant which can transmit diseases and the fire ants which can cause an allergic reaction with their painful stings.

Bees, Hornets, & Wasps

Wasps and bees can become an extreme nuisance, especially during the summer when they forage and garbage and outdoor food areas. Additionally, bees and wasps can build their hives inside house walls. These pests can pose a serious health risk when their hive is threatened or provoked. They will swarm on the threatened masse. Statistics show that stinging bees send more than half a million people to the emergency room every year. There is a higher risk to young children, elderlies and those with allergies. Wasps can sting multiple times while bees can only sting once before they die. There have been cases of death due to an extreme allergic reaction to bee stings.


Termites retreat underground during cold weather. In the summer, they reemerge and begin to eat the wooden structures that support houses. Until the infestation is treated, the house may become unsafe and unlivable. Termites are usually only detected when significant damage is done. Some even call the termites “silent destroyers” because they secretly hide and thrive in houses and yards without any immediate signs of damage. Termites are detritivores and detritus feeders, which means they eat waste and debris of any kind. They feed on plants and wood. House foundations, walls, floorboards, furniture, shelves, and even books are possible feeding sites for termites.


Mosquitoes are probably one of the biggest nuisance pests because of the irritating buzzing and red itchy bumps we get from their bites. They are in abundance in the summer when it is hot and humid.  The mosquito is one of the deadliest insects on Earth. It can spread various diseases including West Nile Virus, Malaria, Yellow Fever, Encephalitis, and Dengue fever. Many have died because of simple mosquito bites. Mosquitos are most active between dusk and dawn while it is still dark. They breed in standing waters like pools, ponds, swamps, and rainwater trapped in barrels, old tires, and flower pots.


Ticks are an issue during the summer when people spend more time outside and have more chance of picking up the pesky pests. Ticks can cause itchy circular red bumps from their bites. But even if ticks are not physically biting you, they can still cause danger because they can carry and spread diseases. Ticks can thrive in animal furs like rodents, cats, dogs, and deer. They also live in grasses, weeds, woodpiles, and debris. Ticks can transmit Lyme disease not just to humans but also to pets. Lyme disease can cause fever, headache, fatigue, and skin rash as well as problems with the joint, heart, and nervous system.

Prevention & Extermination Tips For Summer Pests

  1. Maintain cleanliness inside and outside your house. Pests are attracted to food crumbs and clutter. It is bad enough that they have infested the lawn. You would not want to attract them inside your own house.
  2. Conduct a weekly house inspection. Check for crevices and holes where pests can enter and cover it all up. Use a sealant if possible. If you want, you can ask for help from your local carpenters to do the job for you. I’m sure they will do a fine job fixing holes and fissures in your home.
  3. Make sure to secure the trash with tight-fitting lids. Keep your trash bins away from your house to prevent any entrance from pests.
  4. Apply lawn treatments regularly. It pays off to buy some insecticides and pesticides in the market. But make sure that it has been proven and tested effective. Also, note the proper usage of these chemicals. You wouldn’t want to cause more damage to your lawn.

Call for Professional Help

If you are looking for a pest control company near Denver, NC, you have come to the right place. Prevent summer pests from infesting your lawn and your home at a very affordable price. Lake Norman Home Services takes pride in using state-of-the-art methods of pest control. The experts from the company are well-known for their ability to create safe and effective methods for extermination. So, even if you have pets and children who like to play outdoors, insecticides should not be a problem.

With the help of Lake Norman Home Services, you can finally have the pest-free life you deserve. Now, you can host a barbeque party without worrying about any of these pests bothering your wonderful event. For an affordable but competent pest control service, contact Lake Norman Home Services – the company that saves and protects.