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The Need For Mosquito Extermination


Mosquitoes are by far, one of the leading causes of illnesses and death as recorded by the CCDC. In a recent census from the World Health Organization (WHO), mosquitoes lead to over 1,000,000 casualties every year due to mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue, Malaria, Zika fever, Arbovirus, Filariasis, and Yellow fever. All over the world, there are literally thousands of species of mosquitoes. As non-experts, it would be difficult to keep track which is deadly or not. Would it be nice to have one night away from worries that one of our loved ones could be the next casualty? These days, almost everything is synthetic.

The Importance Of Mosquito Safety

From medicines to repellents, to pesticides, who knows what its side effects it could lead to? For this reason, it is important to look for a competent pest control service that uses natural ingredients for extermination. But before we get to that, here are important facts you need to know about mosquitoes.

Mosquito - A Deadly Vector

Vector-borne diseases are illnesses brought by parasites, virus, and bacteria from mosquitoes, bugs, ticks, flies, mites, snails, and mites. Among the aforementioned, mosquitoes are the most prominent example of a vector. It transmits illnesses such as malaria, dengue, Chagas disease, yellow fever, and Japanese encephalitis globally. Since the year 2014, outbreaks of dengue, malaria, chikungunya yellow fever, and Zika have been recorded, affecting millions of populations and claiming lives.

This global issue overwhelmed health systems in many countries which lead to campaigns and advocates for awareness, prevention, and vaccinations. The distribution of several vector-borne diseases is determined by several factors such as demographic, environmental, and social factors. According to scientists, global travel, trade, urbanization, and climate change can strongly impact the transmission of vector-borne diseases. This makes certain places vulnerable to an epidemics and outbreaks.

Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Yellow Fever

The Yellow fever virus is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito of the Aedes genus. According to specialists, the natural host of the yellow fever virus is a particular species of monkey in forest regions. With the help of vectors, the virus can be spread to human communities. Unlike the Dengue Fever, this disease follows an endemic-sporadic pattern that gives rise to lethal epidemics. Typically, the Yellow Fever is common in tropical and subtropical regions of South America and Africa.

The disease is highly present in Africa where epidemics are observed, specifically in Ivory Coast, Cameroon, and Senegal. The disease is absent in countries in Asia and the Indian Ocean. But it does not mean that it cannot be transmitted. We have discussed that there are factors that could lead to a global outbreak. In no time, the Yellow Fever could be present in these areas as well. The Yellow Fever begins with a highly feverish state, headaches, and lower back pain. To some, it is commonly mistaken as the symptoms of kidney disease or a kidney infection. But if it progresses, it could lead to redness of the body with fever, the congested appearance of the face, and headaches.

At the 3rd or 4th day, the infected experiences a remission of symptoms which includes fever, deterioration of general health condition, jaundice, black vomit, and hemorrhage. If the disease progresses to this state, it will be lethal to the individual. The treatment for the Yellow Fever Virus is purely symptomatic. There is a vaccination that is proven to be very effective. This vaccination is recommended for travellers who like to visit countries where the disease is likely to exist. The vaccination is only administered at approved vaccination centres. So, before you get yourself injected, make sure that your local clinic is pre-approved to administer the Yellow Fever vaccine. You should also know that it is subject for inclusion on the international vaccination record.

The Chikungunya Virus

This emerging viral disease is the result of the bite of the Aedes genus mosquito. Typically, this species is a diurnal vector. It affects Africa, Southeast Asia, and the entire Indian subcontinent.  This disease can be terrifying as it can go unnoticed. The symptoms of this disease could easily be mistaken as flu. It can lead to a feverish state with joint and muscular pains. However, if it is untreated, it can lead to a mild haemorrhage. If symptoms persist and it does not get enough medical treatment, it could lead to death.

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever is one of the most common diseases nowadays. In Southeast Asia alone, a recent census reports that it has already claimed many lives of students and workers. The viral disease is caused by a Flavivirus. Up to this point, It is undergoing a significant resurgence. It follows an endemic-epidemic pattern that usually goes unnoticed at first. But as the symptoms progress, it becomes detrimental to the affected individuals. The Dengue Fever is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito genus Aedes. This particular species is known for reproducing in stagnant water locations around habitations. The disease typically occurs in Australia, Southeast Asia, Oceania, the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean, America, usually in Southeastern USA to northern Argentina, and in sub-Saharan Africa. It is known to be endemic in the overseas French regional departments and territories.


According to experts, this disease represents a primary health risk for travellers. Malaria is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions around the globe. The disease is caused by a blood-dwelling, unicellular parasite which is transmitted by the genus Anopheles mosquito. Be warned, different species exist. Other infected species could spread the disease as well.

Exterminate Mosquitoes From Home

There are a lot of ways to prevent mosquitoes from infesting your home. But it is a different story when your house gets infested. There is a lot of expert advice about do-it-yourself mosquito repellants such as using some shrubs and scents to ward them off. But no matter how much we try, they keep on coming back. Somehow, they find their way around the smell or they get accustomed to it. Are you tired of dealing with mosquitoes every minute of every day? Are you tired of all the anxiety about the health and safety of your family, especially your children?

If you want to permanently exterminate mosquito life out of your system, you are going to need a lot more than mosquito-repellant lotions. Did you know that some mosquitoes are actually attracted to some scents? Putting on mosquito-repellants will only ward them off for a few hours. Not to mention the scent fades away so easily. Concocting different chemicals may be harmful to you and your home, especially when you are unaware. You need to ask for help from a professional. From where?

Seek Out The Best Pest Control Service

In choosing a pest control service, you need to consider the knowledge and skills the company employs. The exterminators and the experts must be informed about the do’s and don’ts of extermination along with the different know-hows of pest control. An exterminator must be equipped with the right training for the methodologies used. If not, he might cause more problems for your home. Plus, you need to look for a pest control provider that upholds to their scientific and public obligations through the unending learning and training in their line of work.

They must be innovative to match the changing lifestyle and activities of pests as the years go by. If you have children, pets, or gardens, it is important to ask about the treatments and chemicals used for mosquito eradication. “Are the fumes safe for the plants? Are the residues safe for the children and our dogs?” You must always consider a safe and secure way to solve pest infestations.

Lastly, the staff in a pest control company must be able to listen avidly to their customer’s concerns, answering every query they have about the service without any hint of deceit. Of course, everybody has their own financial obligations. As a responsible parent or homeowner, it is your duty to assess the price if it fits your budget. You would not want to experience budget constraints as the days go by.

Local Exterminator Near Huntersville, NC

In North Carolina, there is a pest control service provider that has everything for you. Luckily, Lake Norman Home Services at your service. The company has been found by Sam and Fran Newman in the 1900s. Since then, they have been providing top-notch extermination and pest control using safe methods at a very cheap price.  At Lake Norman Home Services, they only want what is best for their customers. Their exterminators take pride in giving smiles and saving lives.

At this humble company, they provide a basic service plan that covers the interior and exterior of your home, eliminating all kinds of pests including mosquitoes, cockroaches, mice, rats, and many more. So, what are you waiting for? Call for help from the best pest control company in North Carolina. Call for Lake Norman Home Services - the only company who saves lives.