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Deadliest Diseases Brought By Insects At Home


People often think that having an insect or two in the household is a typical and harmless thing. Little do they know that these pests bring the deadliest and most lethal diseases of all time. Here are some of the illnesses brought by insects to human beings:

1. Chagas Disease. This is caused by the Assassin Bugs, Kissing Bugs, and the Triatome Bug. This illness is classified by the World Health Organization as a neglected disease. There are over 8 million people who are infected by this illness, mainly in Central and Southern America. The WHO also reported around 10,000 deaths caused by the complications from the disease. The nymph and adult stages of these insects are characterized to be blood-feeders. They search for human hosts to feed on, especially the exposed areas of the skin such as the face, arms, and feet. These pests carry parasites in their feces deposited on the skin after feeding, When it accidentally gets ingested or gets in contact with open wounds, it is automatically transmitted into the human system. The Chagas Disease can also be transferred through blood transfusion, organ transfusion, and through eating contaminated food.

2. Another deadly disease is Dengue fever. Transmitted by Mosquitoes, this is the most common insect-borne disease of all time. It affects over 50-100 million people each year in many different countries. Every since its outbreak in South America, Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, the World Health Organization initiated major campaigns for awareness and eradication.

3. Malaria. Transmitted by mosquitoes, this disease causes millions of deaths each year. WHO reports that there are over 200 million people infected in 97 countries. 90% of deaths caused by Malaria occurs in Nigeria and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa. According to studies, the risk factors of this illness include pregnant women and people with HIV.

4. Another mosquito-borne disease is West Nile Fever. This was first identified in Uganda in 1937. 80% of the infected do not show any symptoms for this disease. The signs of the West Nile Fever typically appears within 2-15 days upon infection. The symptoms include a high fever, headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, and rashes. Most people would think that they just have the common flu. But if it goes untreated, it could lead to encephalitis, meningitis or poliomyelitis. Unfortunately, there is no cure nor vaccine to prevent the disease.

5. Amoebic Dysentery. This disease is brought by cockroaches and flies to human beings. Amoebic Dysentery is transmitted through the direct contact of human beings to contaminated surfaces or products. The symptoms of the disease include diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, and abdominal pain. The protozoa invade the intestinal wall, causing ulceration of its linings. It then enters the bloodstream and affects the other organs, particularly the liver. 

6. Anthrax is a disease brought by the horse fly, deer fly, house fly, and the mosquito. This can be transmitted by the ability of insects to carry bacteria from one host to another. Anthrax can be acquired by animals by feeding off of animal carcasses. When their feces are accidentally ingested by grazing animals such as cows, sheep, and horses, their meat will be contaminated when human beings eat it. Upon ingestion, it could cause diarrhea, acute inflammation of the intestines, and vomiting of blood. Anthrax can also be acquired when a person accidentally inhales the spores from the infected animal hides and other animal products. The symptoms of anthrax are flu-like. If left untreated, it could lead to pneumonia and respiratory collapse in just several days.

7. Cholera is known to be a disease from poor sanitation. This is caused by the accidental ingestion of fecal-contaminated food and water. Insects such as the house fly, blow fly, and the flesh fly spread this disease by carrying the cholera bacteria from around the human environment. The symptoms of cholera include diarrhea and vomiting that can lead to severe dehydration. And soon, death, if left untreated.

8. Lymphatic Filariasis. This illness is brought by mosquitoes. According to the World Health Organization, over 120 million are affected each year by this disease. 40 million of these people becomes disfigured and incapacitated, including several million so men with the genital disease. 

People who are infected by the parasite suffer long term pain and loss of productivity. The worst part is, the infection does not show any signs and symptoms until it reaches its primal stage where it has already damaged the lymphatic system. By the time they find the cause of the disease, the person will already be experiencing inflammation of tissues in the arms, legs, genitals, and other body parts. 

How To Prevent Insect Infestations

Just like human beings, the main instinct of insects is to fend for themselves. This involves fulfilling their physiological needs such as food, shelter, warmth, water, and a safe place to procreate. Insects usually infest homes during the winter because they are unable to withstand the cold temperature. But they can also infest during summer where there is an abundance of food, warmth, and light.

To prevent any of these insects from infesting your house, it is best to take note of several tricks to keep insects from infesting your lawn and your house:

1. Block Entry Points. As much s possible, schedule a weekly checkup the whole house. Look for any holes, fissures, crevices, and other possible entryways of insects. Block these passageways using a sealant. If you cannot do this by yourself, you can hire the local carpenter to do the necessary fixes to your home. 

2. Keep your trash bins away from your home. Do not store any garbage near your home. Or else, insects such as cockroaches will easily find their way through inside. Keep it at a safe distance away from your home to prevent attracting flies, and other insects from infesting your food. 

3. Remove any standing water around your house. It is common knowledge that mosquitoes breed on stagnant water. To avoid any infestation from these insects, remove ant stagnant water from tires, bird baths, canals, and other areas where mosquitoes can procreate. Furthermore, cockroaches are known to be hydrophilic. Did you know that these insects can live for weeks without food but cannot survive for a week without any water? Stagnant water is a very effective attractant for cockroaches. If you do not want them to infest your lawn, better remove their water and food source.

4. Apply insecticides. There is recent research that cockroaches are slowly building immunity to certain insecticides. Therefore, this makes cockroaches harder to kill. The use of insecticides, however, is to eliminate the food source of pests on the lawn. Without it, they will most likely walk past your lawn and move on to the next one. To kill cockroaches using natural means, you can use Diatomaceous Earth. Unlike insecticides, DE works mechanically. It dehydrates the cockroach from the outside, destroying its outer shell and penetrating its insides like thousands of pricking needles.

5. Seal your food using tight lid containers. Insects are small but they are cunning. In numbers, they can ruin all kinds of food packaging. Which is why it is important to store food in tight lid containers and properly sealed compartments. As much as possible, store food away from walls, at least 6 inches above the ground. In that way, insects will find it harder to reach the stored food and move along. 

6. Keep your environment clean. The most common thing to do to prevent any insect infestation is to keep your surroundings clean. Avoid any clutters and clean as you go. A minor stain is big enough to attract cockroaches and flies. They can swarm your house in a minute and contaminate your food and belongings. 

7. Try installing some pest repellent appliances and tools such as zappers and sticky papers in possible insect hideouts. From time to time, check the attic and the basement for any signs of pest infestation. Insects love to hide in the dark and unused spaces so they will not be disturbed. Focus on these areas in applying pest-repellant products. 

Call For Professional Help

To solve and prevent any insect infestation, call for your pest exterminator in Denver, NC. They can help you get rid of all kinds of pests such as cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, rats, and other insects that brood inside and outside your home.

If you are looking for the best and most competent pest control provider in North Carolina, contact Lake Norman Home Services. The staff of this company prides themselves in using proven and tested methods of pest extermination. Their exterminators are highly trained and highly knowledgeable in their line of work.

For more than 50 years, Lake Norman Home Services has proven their top-quality service by saving lives and protecting people from all kinds of insect infestation. At a very affordable price, you can finally have the pest-free life you deserve. The company offers holistic pest extermination and prevention plan that requires no additional payments. Say goodbye to every insect species. Live the peaceful and safe life you deserve—only at Lake Norman Home Services.