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Cockroaches & Asthma – Prevention & Maintenance


Asthma is a common condition that is characterized by the narrowing and swelling of a person’s air passages. This makes breathing difficult and may trigger wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing. To some people, asthma is a minor disorder. But to others, it can be a major problem especially when their condition interferes their daily activities. Some people even experience life-threatening asthma attacks. Which is why they need to take more precaution to avoid these situations.

Sadly, asthma is one of those conditions that cannot be cured. But it does not mean that it can’t be controlled. However, the mere process of control entails self-discipline, care, and attention. A person with asthma needs to work with his or her doctor to track any signs, symptoms, and triggers for better prevention.

There are three main types of asthma, classified according to their causes: Exercise-induced asthma, occupational asthma, and allergy-induced asthma. According to experts, people are prone to asthma attacks when the air is cold and dry during exercise. There are also times when people experience panic attacks due to the inhalation of dust particles and other allergens from running and working out. A person with asthma should not be forced to execute strenuous activities that could trigger an attack.

The second type of asthma is occupational asthma, caused by workplace irritants such as fumes, gases, dust, and other chemicals. The last type is allergy-induced asthma. This is caused by airborne substances and particles such as pollen, spores, wastes or particles, and insect allergies. Other triggers include certain medications, strong emotions, and stress.

Signs and symptoms of asthma include the following:

  • Chest Pains 
  • Shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing that may impede sleep 
  • Difficulty breathing 

Insect Allergies

There are three categories of insects that cause allergies to humans: stinging insects, biting insects, and household pests. From the name itself, stinging insects include bees, wasps, yellow-jackets, and fire ants. There are cases of anaphylactic shock due to the allergens from the stings of these insects.

Biting insects include mosquitoes, bed bugs, fleas, ticks, and certain flies. The third category includes cockroaches and dust mites. According to researches, cockroaches rank as the most common causes of allergies in the household. Their feces, shedding, and feces trigger asthma and allergies. A census from the National Pest Management Association reported that 63% of homes and families in the United States experience cockroach allergens. Further researches concluded that the onset of cockroach allergies rise between 78% to 96% of households in urban areas.

Symptoms of insect allergies include the following:

  • Itching
  • Skin Rashes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing 
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Stomach pain and Diarrhea 

Asthma also causes several complications:

  • Interference with work, school, and other activities
  • Tardiness and Absenteeism 
  • Permanent damage to the bronchial tubes that can affect breathing 
  • Too many visits and confinements to the hospital 
  • Prolonged medication can cause tolerance 
  • Long-term use of some medications for asthma stabilization could cause side effects. 

Consult Your Doctor

If you think you have asthma, it’s best to see your doctor. If you encounter at least three of these symptoms, have yourself checked up. According to experts, treating asthma as early as possible prevents long-term lung damage. It keeps your condition from worsening as time passes by. 

Consultations assist you to monitor your asthma. With the help of your doctor, you can determine what triggers asthma attacks. Regular communication with professionals helps you control your condition so you can live your life worrying about an impending attack.

If your medications make the symptoms worse, call your doctor immediately. It’s possible that you are allergic to the substances that consist of the medicines. Never try to solve these problems on your own. Or else, you could put your life in greater peril. Also, remember never to underdose and overdose your medication as it causes side effects that can make your asthma worse. Follow the doctor’s prescription and pay attention to his remarks and comments.

According to doctors, asthma can change over time. Your triggers could be different from time to time. Which is why it is important to have regular checkups with your doctor. Have his number on speed dial if possible, to gain assistance anytime.

For asthma maintenance and control, always follow your asthma action plan. Do not let your condition take control of your life. Instead, be the one that controls it. It is also recommended to get vaccinated for pneumonia and influenza. These illnesses are comorbid with asthma and should be prevented.  Identify and record asthma triggers to avoid it.

There may be hundreds of triggers for one person. But it pays off to try and identify them one by one. This is to ensure that a person does not experience asthma attacks, especially in places where it is unlikely to get some help. Learn to monitor your breathing. Hyperventilation is common during asthma attacks. This is the condition in which too much carbon dioxide is inhaled instead of oxygen.

Often times, when a person experiences asthma attacks, they experience panic attacks too. This impedes their ability to control their breathing and relax. If you feel like you are having an attack, monitor and slow your breathing as much as you can. Have an inhaler with you and calmly grab it in times of emergency. According to experts, it is also important to pay attention to the increase of usage of inhaler. If you keep using your quick-relief inhaler such as albuterol, it means that your asthma is not under your control. When this happens, consult your doctor immediately for any treatment adjustments. Remember to follow the prescriptions and instructions properly. Do not use your inhaler unless you really are having an asthma attack. If you can avert and take a hold of the condition before it gets worse, save your inhaler for when it gets worse.

Management & Prevention Of Cockroach Allergies

Prevention is always better than cure. So, if one of your triggers are cockroach droppings and shedding, here are simple tips you can use to eliminate these pests from your house. 

1. Clean as you go. Cockroaches are attracted to food crumbs and food stains. Sweep the floors, vacuum, wipe the tables and compartments. Get rid of any crumbs that can attract not only cockroaches but also ants, spiders, and mice. 

2. Did you know that cockroaches are one of the main insects that can damage clothes? This may come as a shock but these creatures can ruin fabric so they can eat through stains. Cockroaches love to infest clothes because they are attracted to bodily secretions such as sweat. To avoid, any infestation, avoid piling dirty clothes. Schedule doing your laundry 2 to 3 times a week. This makes the task easier and less bulky. 

3. Maintain a clean sink. This is one of the most common attractants to cockroaches. They hide under it so they can get the moist and food they need for sustenance. You may not notice it but the sink is one of the dirtiest fixtures at home. It is filled with different stains, splatters, and dirt. Without responsible housekeeping, the stains could accumulate, making it a scrumptious buffet for cockroaches and other pests. 

4. Furthermore, avoid any clutters inside your home because they serve as hiding spots to cockroaches. As much as possible, avoid clutters of newspaper, books, accessories, clothes and other belongings. Learn to organize your things to eliminate all possible hiding spots for pests. 

5. Conduct a weekly perimeter check. Look for any possible entryway of cockroaches such as fissures, crevices, and holes. Seal them properly using a sealant or other methods. If you cannot do it alone, you can ask for help from your local carpenter. That should take them less than a day.

6. Fix your leaky pipes. Did you know that cockroaches can leave for weeks without food but can only survive days without water? Indeed, these creatures are hydrophilic. They love moisture so much. To prevent them from infesting, close off any water sources by repairing even the smallest leaks inside and outside your house. 

7. Apply lawn treatment. Typically, cockroaches are outdoor pests. They only come inside when something attracts them or when winter is near. It helps to use insecticides and other repellants to avoid any pest from entering your home. 

8. Take out the trash regularly. Make sure to throw it in tightly-sealed bins to avoid pest attraction. Make sure you to place the bins as far as possible from the house proper. This ensures that no cockroach will even think of entering your house. 

Call For Professional Help

Lake Norman Home Services is the best and most competent pest control service near Denver, NC. So, if you are having any pest problem at all, there is nobody else to call but LNPC. The experts from Lake Norman Home Services uses human-friendly and botanical-friendly means of extermination. If you are worried that the substances might cause a life-threatening panic attack after the treatment, you can relax. The methods of the exterminators are guaranteed safe and effective for extermination and control.

What are you waiting for? Don’t let your insect allergies get worse! Contact Lake Norman Home Services now.