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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

Inexpensive Pest Control Services In Cornelius, NC


What comes into your mind when you talk about pest control. Insects such as mice, cockroaches, fire ants, bees, and wasps often come to mind. These are the most common types of pests found at home. The worst part is that they bring illnesses and harm to our family. They bring peril and plague all around our humble abode. Whenever we think about a pest control service, we think about price, quality, skills, knowledge, methods, and treatments.

What Do We Offer In Our Plans?

Are the chemicals safe for our children? Is there a need to pay for additional service offers. All of these are important factors in assessing a pest control company.  What if I told you that there is a pest control company near Cornelius that offers full quality service without top up fees and payments. If you are you tired of paying all the additional charges, you have come to the right place. With Lake Norman Home Services, every service is guaranteed to be of high quality at an affordable price. For as low as $30 per month, you can live your happy lives pest-free.

Their service plan covers most insects including flying and stinging insects, wood-destroying insects, and insects which require special treatment without additional charge!  Can you imagine a life without worry? No more bees to sting you at your door. No more mice to gnaw on your food. No more cockroaches to infest your kitchen! No more stinging bee to worry about. At Lake Norman Home Services, you can bid your bugs and critters goodbye with their quality service.

For more information about the Basic Pest Service Plan,  visit us from Monday to Friday from 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM and on Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Our core values include competence, integrity, and professionalism. We ensure the safety of your family against pests, bugs, and critters. Have a pest-free home even if you are miles away! Lake Norman Home Services will find its way.