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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

Wasp Exterminator Near Lake Norman, North Carolina


Children are very curious about the things they do not understand. Yet sometimes they can get in trouble from their inquisitiveness. Especially when they get too close to harmful things. In our home, there are a lot of hazardous objects and insects to watch out for. This includes matches, knives, fire ants, and wasps. I can still remember when my younger sister first saw a hornet's nest. She wanted me to poke it with a bat to see what comes out. I kept explaining to her that the insects would sting us. But to her amazement, I don't think she understood what it meant to be stung by a hornet.

Exterminating Hornets

See, it was difficult to contain her at the time because the nest was hanging on the patio. She insisted on going out. I did not know how to call an exterminator back then, so I had my brother babysit while I tried to get rid of the hornet's nest alone. It was the worst decision I ever made. You can imagine what hornets can do when they feel threatened. They release a pheromone that signals all their companions to attack.

Luckily, I remembered a tip my grandmother told me. When dealing with bees, wasps, or hornets, use water. So, I jumped into the nearest tub and wet myself all over. Much like hornets, wasps can be very difficult to contain. Although they are not as aggressive, once they feel a threat, they will start to retaliate. The worst part is, that their bite can be fatal to humans because one sting infuses the body with a deadly anaphylactic reaction.

Find a Pest Control Provider

So, if you have children around the house and you have a wasp's nest, better contact a hornet exterminator immediately. Always remember, "Safety first is safety always." In North Carolina, Bees, Wasps, and Hornets are common, too. Luckily, we have the right pest control provider for you. Lake Norman Home Services meets all the 5 criteria for an excellent pest control provider. Knowledge, Skill, Safety, Professionalism, and Affordability -- they have it all for you.

Experience well-trained exterminators at work and watch them eliminate all existing pets all over your home. Lake Norman Home Services uses state-of-the-art methods that are strictly botanical and environmentally friendly. Our exterminators will tell you everything you need to know about the procedures. The team aims to deliver consistent and excellent measures for pest control.

Service Plans

For as low as $30 per month, you can have the pest-free life you always deserved. The best part is, that at Lake Norman Home Services, we provide all necessary methods without additional charge. No more budget constraints. Leave it all to us. Thanks to technology, you can avail of their services anytime and anywhere. Lake Norman Home Services is located at 552 Williamson Road, Mooresville, North Carolina. Open from Monday to Friday, 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM, and on Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. What are you waiting for? Your happy and peaceful life awaits you at Lake Norman Home Services.