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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

Mice Exterminator Near Huntersville, NC


What is our main duty as a parent? It is to keep our family safe, healthy, and secure. This includes giving them love, care, and support apart from their needs, from our home to their clothing, and food. Everything must be well prepared. In this generation, safety is the best wealth any person should have. But this is very difficult to attain when you have a lot of pests at home. Imagine getting to deal with mice every day. Apart from the fact that they easily make holes on your walls, they infest your things and your stored food. They bring a huge nuisance to the household.

5 Essential Pest Control Company Traits

The worst part is, mice can bring diseases to the family. Did you know that their droppings can cause several illnesses that can compromise the health of your family? Which is why they need to be eliminated at once. Mice are very cunning creatures, they hide in the least noticeable places. They only come out after they make sure that there is no one around. You cannot exterminate them all alone. You will need an expert that will help you solve your problems at home.

In North Carolina, there are literally hundreds of pest control companies to choose from. But only one rises as the best. Customers have evaluated and they have met these criteria perfectly:

1. Knowledge - The exterminators must be filled with information about their line of work. They need to know exactly what they are dealing with to match the necessary methods. They must also explain to the customers the pros and cons of the treatments without any hint of deception or dishonesty.

2. Skill - An exterminator must be very well trained in using the methodologies for pest control. If not, it may do more damage to our home. Remember, there are chemicals that destroy wood, plants, and furniture. Without proper use, it might take a toll on our house maintenance.

3. Methods - The treatments used are safe for the environment and for the people, plants, and animals surrounding it.

4. Price - No overpricing. No asking for an additional charge for all necessary pest control treatments.

Without further ado, we introduce Lake Norman Home Services. We got it all to give smiles to our customers wherever you are. Founded by Sam and Fran Newman, Lake Norman Home Services have been providing top-notch quality all over North Carolina for 50 years. Experience well-trained professionals at work in solving your problems at home. For as low as $30 per month, you can have the pest-free life you deserve. No more worrying about your family health. No more worries about any pests. We offer a basic pest service plan that covers your entire home. From your attic to your basement, to your patio, garage, or backyard, we will get rid of all of the pests.

At Lake Norman Home Services, you will literally be killing multiple pests with one stone without any additional payments. What are you waiting for? Lake Norman Home Services is located at 552 Williamson Road, Mooresville, North Carolina. Open from Monday to Friday, 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM and on Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Your happy and peaceful life awaits you at Lake Norman Home Services.