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Getting Rid Of Japanese Beetles Fast In North Carolina


The beauty of our lawn that ignites our energy in the morning is amazing! Imagine drops from the early dews dripping from the leaves and petals of the flowers. Birds chirping and butterflies flying welcoming us to a brand-new day. As garden enthusiasts, we pride ourselves in our hard work and determination to keep our plants healthy. We do every means to maintain the beauty and galore of the grasses that give life to our lawn. We give love to the garden by plowing, planting, and watering with care. We would do anything to keep our lawn beautiful and presentable.

Japanese Beetles

However, there are many challenges in keeping a garden gallant and presentable. One of them is keeping the pests at bay, especially beetles. These creatures bring damage to our plants by gnawing on its leaves. The danger from beetles is threatening. It does not discriminate any plants. It can eat whatever leaf that gets in its way. The Japanese Beetles are one of the most notorious beetles that infest lawns in the United States. It is a half-inched insect with a metallic blue-green head, copper back, and tan wings.

Japanese Beetles start to lay their eggs on the soil in the month of June. As time progresses, these eggs start to develop into plant-eating pests that cause a great peril. Although a beetle can only live for a maximum of 40 days, it can cover a lot of ground with its appetite. Consider the number of the population of beetles in your lawn. In 40 days, they can cause severe damage. Did you know that Japanese Beetles can attack over 300 kinds of plants? This includes roses, raspberries, beans, and grapes. To get rid of Japanese Beetles, experts suggest using row covers during the 6 to 8 feeding period. Also, keep a close eye on your plants for any signs of beetle infestation. If there are any, hand-pick each one and drown them in a dishwashing detergent solution. You can also use neem oil to spray on your plants to shoo away Japanese beetles.

Excellent Pest Control Services

But if you want to do it the fastest way, call Lake Norman Home Services. For over 50 years, the company has been providing excellent service all around North Carolina. Experience top-notch action from well-trained exterminators, using proven and tested methods for pest control.

Lake Norman Home Services prides themselves in upholding the safety of their customers. Rest assured, the methodologies used for pest control are strictly human and botanical friendly. So, as a garden enthusiast, you will not have to worry about the health of your plants. Lake Norman Home Services does not only offer a holistic indoor pest control. They also provide lawn treatments and lawn pest extermination. Literally, kill all pests with one stone! The best part is, at Lake Norman Home Services, they provide all the necessary treatments without any additional charges!