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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

Best Exterminator For Pests In Lake Norman, NC


Pests pose danger and nuisance to our family and household. Once infested, it would be very difficult to live in our daily routines. It would be impossible to rest and relax. It is improbable to have a decent meal and a decent sleep. Everything will start to fall into pieces.  The most common pests that reside in our household are cockroaches, mice, rats, mosquitoes, and bees. And these creatures can bring harm to our family. Did you know that cockroaches can travel at a speed of 40 miles per hour? Imagine how much bacteria it can spread all throughout our home.  

Mice and rats can create holes on our walls just to find shelter. Their droppings can cause a lot of diseases to the family and their bite can cause a searing fever to our loved ones.  Mosquitoes, too are very harmful. According to the World Health Organization, about 5,000,000 of people who get sick are caused by mosquitoes. They bring the infamous zika virus, dengue fever, malaria, and many more.

Finding The Best Pest Control

Never underestimate these diseases for they are as deadly as hell. Hornets and bees can be very harmful too. You know our children, they can be very curious about the things they don’t know about. What if a hornet’s nest has been built in your attic, basement, or backyard and your child happens to run into it? It would get him in big trouble

This is the reason why you need to look for the best exterminator for pests in Lake Norman. Although there are lots to choose from, there is only one who stands out. And it is only at your fingerprints. Introducing, Lake Norman Home Services, providing service for more than 50 years. Founded by Sam and Fran Newman in the late 1900’s, Lake Norman Home Services has been giving high-quality procedures all over North Carolina. Experience well-trained exterminators to work their magic on your home. They can eliminate most kinds of pests including millipedes, centipedes, moths, weevils, and many more. Lake Norman Home Services prides themselves in state-of-the-art procedures, guaranteed to be botanical-friendly and human-friendly. So, even if you have pets and children around, you will not have to worry about them.

Lake Norman Home Services offers a basic service plan that covers the interior and exterior portions of your home. For as low as $30 per month, you can have the pest-free life you have always wanted. You can have the peace of mind you always deserved. The best part is, Lake Norman Home Services is willing to provide all necessary pest treatments and methods without additional charge.

Having financial obligations does not mean you get to constrain yourself from having a happy life. Remember, Lake Norman Home Services wants the best for you. That is why they pride themselves in their dedication to service, safety, and satisfaction. Lake Norman Home Services is located at 552 Williamson Road, Mooresville, North Carolina. Open from Monday to Friday, 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM and on Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Your happy and peaceful life awaits you at Lake Norman Home Services.