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Things To Expect During A Termite Inspection

A close up image of a termite

Termites are one of the most annoying pests you will encounter. They will build mounds around your house, create mud tunnels going to food sources, and worse, they will cause severe damage to your home. When they infest, you cannot stay calm because they will ruin your home gradually.

Tips for a Seamless Pest Extermination Experience

Termites are tiny pests that can leave a huge impact on your home. The pest is the silent destroyer and they live up to their title. They will sneak into your house where they will begin to damage your wood which can lead to the weakening of your home’s structure and foundation. Once termites are infested, DIYs are not recommended because the pest is not easy to exterminate. You need the help of a professional pest control company in Huntersville to succeed in eliminating the pest.

When you hire an exterminator, the first step is doing an inspection. A termite inspection is a must as it will help in finding the whereabouts of the pest and will be able to know the severity of the infestations. But, of course, as a homeowner, you are not aware of what happens during a termite inspection. You don’t have to worry now because we will give you details on what you need to expect once a termite inspection is being done.

Accessing All Parts of the House

A termite inspection will not only be done in one area of your house but the entirety of your home will be inspected. A pest exterminator will roam around your house to find where termites are hiding. Because of this, you have to make your home accessible to them.

You need to remove obstructions to let a termite exterminator in Huntersville freely move around your house. You have to clean your home like the garage as it will be inspected. Do decluttering before the inspection to ensure that during the assessment, the professional can do the things he needs to do so that your termite problems will be solved. Make your home accessible to the pest exterminator so that the inspection will be done successfully. 

Inspecting Inside and Outside of the House

When you make your home accessible, expect that the termite inspection will not only be done inside but even the exterior of your house will be checked. The termite inspector will thoroughly check the outside of your home like your garden, garage, and more where termites might be present. They will look for possible termite activities like mud tubes and nests.

After checking the outside, they will go inside your house and search for termites. They will knock on your walls to check if it is hollow or will listen to it to find out if termites are behind your walls. Once termites feel threatened, they will knock their bodies onto the walls so that they can signal warnings. With this, the termite exterminator in Huntersville will be able to hear it and will know if the pest is present or not. When you request for a termite inspection, you may expect that the inspector will be checking the inside and outside of your home so you don’t have to worry.

Examining Wood Structures 

Since termites are of wood, during a termite inspection, the professional will look into the wood structures of your home. If damages and signs of termite activities are present, it means that the pest has already made its way into the structure of your house. They will look for entry points and mud tunnels which are possible signs of termite presence. Also, if you have wooden furniture, a termite exterminator in Huntersville will inspect it to see if the pest has already spread out in your place.

Inspecting Takes Time

If you are doubting the termite exterminator you have hired because he is taking too long in doing the inspection, don’t be because it is natural for the professional to take his time when termites are the problem. The longevity of the inspection will depend on the severity of the damages caused by termites since the pest may have infested your whole house.

Also, a pest exterminator in Huntersville will need time depending on the properties that need to be checked as if the garage is not connected to the house. An inspector needs time as well when your house is big and when your home is not organized well which deprives them of moving around freely. Typically, a termite inspection can take up to 45 minutes but can extend when your property meets the instances provided.

Detecting Termites Using High-Tech Technologies

There are some inspectors who will use high-tech technologies to easily detect termites. A termite exterminator in Huntersville may use technologies to spot the pesky pest for them to quickly identify what type of termite is infesting your home. There are species of termites that are known to cause infestations and damages and it will depend on the condition of your home.

With the high-tech technologies used, it will be fast for the professional to know the level of infestation that termites have already done to your home. Also, during the inspection, the moisture level will also be checked to find out if your home is high on moisture that’s why termites keep on coming.

Providing a Report of the Termite Inspection

After the termite inspection, the termite exterminator in Huntersville will provide a detailed report for you to know the severity of the pest. The report is prepared by the exterminator who has conducted the termite inspection in your home. The report contains all the details found in your home and what the inspector recommends.

A diagram of your house will also be provided so that you will know which areas are heavily infested by the pest. The inspection report does not only contain about termites but insects or bugs that infest your home will also be included. The report about the termite inspection will not be given on the day of the inspection but it will take two to three days before the professional gives it to you. Along with the report, quotations of treatments, repairs, and more will also be involved.

Creating a Termite Treatment Plan

When you hire a termite exterminator in Huntersville to inspect your home, it is not good to end it quickly. You may know where termites are damaging and infesting, but if you don’t allow it to be treated by a professional, the pest will keep on doing its work and it will cost you more in the end for the repairs and renovations.

That’s why you need to continuously work with a professional to drive away termites for good. A professional will work with you to create the best treatment plan that is suitable for your home. They will not do the treatment plan alone but they will do it with you so that you will know what treatments will be done. They create the plan together with the homeowner so that the treatment plan will work within the budget of the owner.

Remember, not all treatment plans are the same since all homes are different from each other. That’s why the professionals will work with you so that you will know that the plan made is what’s best for your property. Here you go! These are the things you need to expect during a termite inspection. Checking your house for termites is a good step to determine if your house is infested or not. Allowing a termite inspection to happen is also good for your property because you will be able to know the areas infested by the pests and will be able to spot the places that need to be repaired. With the help of a termite inspection in Huntersville NC, you can be at ease because someone is ready to help you deal with termites damaging your home.

Professional Pest Control Company in North Carolina

If you are looking for a pest exterminator in NC who is not the only expert in eliminating termites but all pests, you've found the right company and that’s Lake Norman Home Services. The company is the perfect choice when you need help in dealing with pests because they have been in the industry for over 30 years and have been giving exceptional results that satisfy their customers. They offer safe and effective pest control which people love about them.

Lake Norman Home Services always thrives in the field of pest control because they have dedicated, professional, and expert pest technicians who are licensed and highly trained to do their work. They can eliminate all sorts of pests so name the vermin in your home and they’ll handle them for you. Here at Lake Norman Home Services, you will be able to experience a pest-free home because aside from their human and pet-friendly extermination methods, they also provide pieces of advice that you can apply to keep your home free from any pests. Don’t let pests own your place, get rid of them quickly by calling Lake Norman Home Services. You will never regret their pest services! Call them now!