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Mind-Blowing Facts About Flying Termites


To live life without pests is the dream. These days, it’s almost impossible to live without insects lurking around your environment. Yes, having a house of your own is one of the greatest dreams every family yearns for. However, having your own home also has its own challenges. You need to pay the bills. You need to fend for your family’s needs. Plus, you have the responsibility to keep your house tidy, neat, and clean.  

The never-ending process of keeping your house neat is not only for appearance. It is also for safety from pests, bacteria, and viruses. In this segment, we will be discussing one of the most common pests that infest homes – the Flying Termite.  I always hear people ask if there are even flying termites. They are used to the crawling ones which are also common in households. Termites have three categories – Dampwood, Drywood, and Subterranean termites. Among the three categories, the subterranean termites pose the greatest damage.  All of them prefer living in human homes.

How Can Termites Fly Into Our Homes?

Indeed, termites can fly. But only a few have the capability to do it. The truth is, termites are not classified under “winged insects” such as mosquitoes and wasps. These creatures can only fly for a short while before they lose their wings forever.  Just like ants, termites are divided in a social hierarchy. In each level, termites have different obligations. Termites are classified depending on their function. Some are workers, soldiers, and alates.

From the label itself, worker termites are responsible for building nests and foraging for food. Their job description also includes tending to the needs of the queen and assisting in the growth of the larvae.  Soldier termites, on the other hand, are responsible for fighting for the colony. Just like wasps, termites fight to the death, especially when they feel like their whole colony is in a lot of trouble. Lastly, alates are the types of termites which are bestowed with wings. These are sexually-developed termites that are bound to be kings and queens of future colonies. 

Flying termites swarm on specific calendar seasons. They can only be spotted swarming in a specific period of time every year. This depends on the geographical conditions, climate, and weather in a certain area. In addition, it also depends on the species of alates. When you see a swarm of flying termites, this means that it is that specific time of year where they mate. Swarming indicates a special time in termite life. It is the start of the conception of new colonies and termite life.  Beautiful as it sounds, we need to keep them away from our homes. Well-maintained homes are more likely the targets of flying termites. For this reason, it must be prevented. According to experts, it is important to maintain proper drainage, ventilation, and storage.

Furthermore, an annual inspection is also important to determine possible areas for flying termite swarms. Better yet, if you are worried that your house could be a target, call for the nearest pest control service near Denver, NC. For preventive cases against termites, ants, and many more, call for Lake Norman Home Services.Moving forward, how can you determine that your house is infested by termites? Did you know that termites cause billions of dollars worth of damage every year? These creatures are labelled as the silent destroyers because it is almost impossible to detect termite infestation unless it becomes severe. As homeowners, it is also your responsibility to keep a good eye on your surroundings. It’s not enough to do what is right for your family. You also need to think about what is best for your home. Without further ado, here are some common signs of termite infestation in households. 

Signs Of Termite Infestation At Home

The termite species is considered an international menace. They are literally present all around the globe. In the United States alone, termites are responsible for over 5 billion dollars of damage every year. This does not even include the unrecorded cases of termite infestation. Therefore, to protect your home against an infestation is very important to make sure that the stability of your home withstands the test of time. To prevent the worsening of an infestation, here are some of the signs to watch out for: 

1. Blisters On Wooden Flooring

If you observe blisters on certain areas on your flooring, it is a good indication that your home is infested with termites. Blisters on wooden window panes, wooden doors, and wooden furniture could indicate a sign for infestation. Blisters could take the form of discoloration, blackening, and small holes on wooden areas of your house.

This is mainly caused by the subterranean termites. They make it look like your walls, floors, doors, and panes are damaged by water. During the rainy season,  it's possible that you won't have a clue that termites have already infested your home.

2. Hollowed Wood

This is the most common sign of termite infestation. These creatures are capable of damaging any part of your house which is made of wood. Because of their teamwork, they can easily boreholes on your wooden structures and leave it damaged. Did you know that termites never sleep? They never rest either. They spend most of their time gnawing wood to establish their nest.

This is the reason why it is easy for them to work their way up from the bottom structures of our home. Before we know it, they already have caused more damage than we have anticipated. There are even cases of termite infestation where the damage is already irreparable. The homeowners are forced to look for another place to live on.

3. Proof Of Swarms 

Broken termite wings are the obvious sign of termite infestation. As we have discussed earlier, flying termites only swarm at a particular time of year. This even depends on geographical factors and the species of termites. If you see broken termite wings, it's best to have your house rechecked for any termite infestation. In some areas, flying areas only come out at night.

They are very attracted to artificial light. Hence, you can see them flying around, drawn towards the light. After the rain, flying termites come out from their nests, probably to dry their wings and mate. In a short while, some of them lose their wings, and they start to look for a new place to start their colony. If your house is near a swarm, there is no doubt that some of them might establish their nests in your surroundings, maybe even inside your house. 

4. Mud Tubes

If you have a lawn or a garden, mud tubes are one of the things you need to watch out for. Although mud tubes vary, it's best to conduct your own investigation as to what is the cause of the mud tube. When a termite finds a potential food source, they create mud tubes to forage their meal. It could be located around trees, bushes, even grasses. 

Termites are very attracted to rotting wood. So, if you have any of those around you, it's best to dispose of it immediately. You would not want termites around you. just like rats, termites also have good navigational and planning skills. It only takes a blink of an eye for them to see the weakest points of your home. Once they establish their nest and get comfortable, you will be experiencing a full-on termite infestation in no time.

Get Rid Of Flying Termites 

If you want to eliminate termites on your own, here are some of the most common ways to do it: 

1. Use Bug Zappers

Termites are just like most insects. They are very attracted to light. One way to eliminate this problem is to invest in a bug zapper. It takes one device to take care of different problems. You can also deal with mosquitoes and other light-loving insects. In using a bug zapper, remember to turn off every light inside and outside your house so this is the only light they see. You can turn this on while you sleep. So, you can observe massive results in the morning. 

You can buy bug zappers at your nearest department store or hardware store. There are instances when you can see them at garage sales and thrift shops. But be sure to check the quality before purchase. You can also purchase them online. But make sure to be aware of the guarantee just in case it does not work. 

2. Orange Oil Spray

This is one of the best and most natural sprays you can do against flying termites. Orange oil is one of the secret methods of pest control units. It is a compound that is known to be deadly to termites. To use it, first, you need to purchase an authentic orange oil and a spray bottle. If you have one, then it's as easy as mixing juice or coffee. Just add a significant amount of orange oil with a little bit of water into the spray, shake it, and you are good to go!