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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

Why Did I Recommend Lake Norman Pest Control?


Two months have passed since the pest incident before our grand reunion as a family. As I have told before, our home was infested with various species of pests and we did not know what else to do except to seek help from a professional. Luckily, all our neighbors recommended Lake Norman Home Services for their competent service and being famous as local pest expert in Cornelius, NC.

Helping A Friend In Need

I have a friend whose name is Sheila. She lived about ten blocks away from me and we were good friends since college. Over the years, we have been hanging out together by going to malls, beaches, and other tourist areas. We were the people in our batch who still stuck around with each other. Of course, it was inevitable given our proximal distance from each other. So, we became the best of friends. 

A Sick Friend

One day, she was telling me how tired she was all day from cleaning her house. Sometimes, she can’t even sleep at night because of eerie noises from the attic and from the kitchen. She was also irritated most of the time because everything in her room feels itchy to touch.  He would be back in the morning and find bite marks on her arms and back. One time, she spent the night at my house with she was tired of not falling asleep in her own bed. By the time I found out about her experiences, I advised her that it was because of pests.  

The annoying noises she hears at night may come from rats, mice, and cockroaches. The bite marks on her arm and back are probably due to bed bugs living under her bed or sheets. She asked me how come she still had pests even if she regularly cleaned her apartment. I told her that pests are nocturnal creatures. The almost usually come out at night and they hide in the least obvious places in the morning. No matter how much she vacuumed her mats and floors, somehow these creatures find out a way to infest her home. I told her that these creatures can live on the least noticeable places in your home such as crevices, cracks, holes, and other unused compartment areas.

The Need For Lake Norman Home Services

I told her to check the walls of her home to check if there are walls created by mice to pave way for more insects and to her surprise, there were two walls. One on the floor, and one on the walls in her kitchen. When she told me about it, she was about to cry because she didn’t know what to do anymore. Because of our past experiences in December, I recommend Lake Norman Home Services to fix her problems. Sheila was somebody who always believes that “If somebody else can do it, so can I.” She remained skeptical about the idea of calling a pest control service until the infestation got out of control.

Finally, A Pest-free Life!

Finally, she called Lake Norman Home Services, and she said it was an amazing service and at an affordable price too! She was surprised who talented and skillful the local pest exterminator in  Cornelius, NC was, as he took care of every pest activity. She was surprised to see pests falling and crawling from underneath her compartment areas and she realized how lucky she was to have called Lake Norman Home Services. Had she not called them, she would have been sick already. And because of the fast-paced and competent service from the company, she was able to thrive and finally live a pest-free life.