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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

The Most Efficient Pest Control Company In Huntersville, NC


As a responsible homeowner and parent, it is your utmost duty to provide a safe environment for your children and to your whole family. However, this is not merely providing shelter to your loved ones, it means maintaining safety and security at all times. There are uncontrolled factors that can compromise the health of our family members. There are many different reasons why families need protection from pests. Apart from the fact that they can bring diseases to our family, they can also cause damage to our home. Let us take a look at various examples of pest infestation and how it affects the family. Let us start by discussing the most common pests at home.


First and foremost, the ant is one of the common pests that infest our home. Most people might disagree that ants can bring a nuisance to the family. But when your house starts to get infested with these tiny creatures, you will realize how much danger they can pose to our families. Ants work in colonies and are considered as a social insect. They aim to protect their queen and their young for more manpower. Each ant has a role in their colony. Some are caretakers, some are soldiers, some are harvesters of food. Whenever we see one or two ants roaming around the house, we dare say, they are looking for food to eat or a safe environment to introduce to their queen.

Ants love to travel so much to scout for food and possible areas to build a colony. We can never know where they have been, what food they have been eating, and which places they have come from searching. From these places, they might have hoarded bacteria and germs on their body, and they carry them around wherever they go. Ants can spread thousands of bacteria to our home, compromising the health of our family, especially our children who have a weaker immune system than adults. There are species that can destroy food packaging and spoil our stored food. They can be aggressive when threatened or aggravated, they can retaliate by biting any who tries to invade their home. Mainly attracted to sugar and grease which are ever-present items at home, they are very hard to detect especially because their size allows them to burrow in very small areas of the house you may have never thought of cleaning.

They are also known to prey on literally everything including the carcasses of dead insects and animals, spoiled food, and many others. Though these creatures’ eyesight is low on image resolution, they can detect movement and have a very strong sense of smell that allows them to find food. When a scout is able to find a food source, he carries it back to the colony and leaves an invisible chemical trail that helps other ants to navigate. Ants can be found anywhere at home, from our kitchen to our garbage which is the main reason as to why these are particularly dangerous especially when we have children at home as they are the main target of the germs and bacteria being spread.


Another common pest is the cockroach. This is the most disgusting pest yet. They have no regard for hygiene and no respect for personal space. One egg, also known as an ootheca can contain fifty to one hundred baby cockroaches in one sitting. Imagine how much bacteria they can spread as the baby cockroaches hatch! A baby roach can run as fast as its parents at 3 miles per hour. Imagine the bacteria these roaches can carry all throughout your house in a small period of time


And then there is the mouse from the rodent family. This is one of the most notorious disease-harboring and destructive creatures. The droppings of mice are very dangerous, especially to children. It can cause amoebiasis and salmonellosis among many others. We can observe the fact that these pests are way too flexible and fast despite their size. They can reach even the highest of compartments, including our attics. They can gnaw on anything they get their teeth on including electrical wirings and appliances that can lead to a home fire.


One of the most destructive pests is the termite. Termites thrive in places that are dark and moist and has enough crawl space to build their colony. The foundation of your home is usually the area where they start building colonies. A wooden house is prone to infestation as these creatures are drawn to materials like lumber, firewood, papers and cellulose materials that are easy to decompose. In order for their colony to survive, they need the warmth and food which they can find on the base of our home. A colony can reach up to thousands and infest your home in weeks.

If left untreated, they grow bigger in size and number which is why it is important to check your house structures every now and then. Termites are very dangerous insects, they can literally wipe a home from the inside out. They are the best demolishers. Most common signs of termite activity are drooping drywall or peeling paint that you think may have been caused by water, hollow wood, holes found in wood or tubes made out of the mud in and out of your house, and swarms of winged pests.


Mosquitoes are also known as one of the most common pests of all time. These creatures are recorded by the CCDC as one of the leading causes of illnesses and death in the whole world. In the most recent census from the World Health Organization, mosquitoes cause the death of 1,000,000 people every year due to Dengue, Malaria, Zika fever, Arbovirus, Filariasis and so much more. There are literally thousands of species of mosquitoes that carry different diseases and different strands of bacteria. Every year, we are reminded to always clean our surroundings of any water they may lay their eggs in so as to avoid instances of dengue fever.

Ticks & Fleas

Also, if you are a pet lover, you might want to watch out for these next pests. There are many things that compromise the health and safety of our pets. Be it a dog or a cat, it is our duty as responsible pet owners to keep them safe. Two of the most common factors that compromise the safety of our pets are ticks and fleas. Ticks are from the family of spiders or arachnids hence the formation of their body and their legs.  They look like tiny spiders except they prey on the blood of our pets. They become round and bloated when they get a sufficient amount of blood in time for their maturity.

Fleas, on the other hand, are smaller than ticks.  These creatures are very agile making it hard for us to catch them. These two pests are notorious hiders. They can hide from the naked eye almost anywhere. Some can be found nesting on crevices, wall cracks, and corners. While some can right under our noses.  For all, we know they might be hiding under the sheets of our bed, our pillowcases, our clothing compartments and other places where they can keep warm. Some suggest soap suds from dishwashing liquids can kill them during our pet’s bath. These pests can pose a great danger not only to our pets but also to us.

Did you know that ticks and fleas can cause anemia and skin infection to our pets? If left untreated, it can cause paleness, inactivity, loss of appetite, and extreme discomfort. There have been those reported to die because of tick and flea infestation. As for humans, ticks are known to be notorious hoarders of parasites. They travel from one animal to another, picking up more parasites as they move along. When these pests get in contact with our skin, we are prone to catch the diseases brought by those parasites.

What To Look For In A Pest Control Service

Ask for help from an expert spider exterminator that offers these five criteria: knowledge, skill, safety, methodology, and price. The knowledge of the exterminators is the most important criteria for pest control. They must be highly equipped with the needed understanding in their line of work. They must have the unending need to update their data and the references towards a more innovative method of pest control since it is a part of their scientific and customer obligations.

The next factors to consider are the skill or expertise in carrying out procedures, the safety of these treatments and the methodology behind it. They must be highly trained to handle tools, chemicals, and other treatments for pest control or else they might cause more damage to your home. You must also consider the safety of the chemicals used for extermination. What if the residues are harmful to our pets, plants, especially our family members?

Lastly, as a homeowner with various financial obligations, you need to consider the price of the service. Be careful of service providers who claim that their services are cheap and affordable but will start to charge you more fees for other necessary treatments employed during the extermination process. Make sure to choose one that is transparent in their service and rating.

The Best Pest Control Service

Without further ado, I would like to introduce Lake Norman Home Services. Lake Norman Home Services is a company that has been providing high-quality services in North Carolina for over 50 years. Founded by Sam and Fran Newman, this company makes sure that you get a peaceful life at the end of each session. This humble company provides a basic service plan that covers the interior and exterior of your home. Exterminating most kinds of pests such as mosquitoes, mice, cockroaches and many more. At Lake Norman Home Services, they provide all necessary treatments without any additional charge. No more worries about budget constraints. Their exterminators will do the best they can to provide the service you need.

You can finally say goodbye to all your pest problems because their exterminators are very keen to cut down any pest activity anywhere in your home. From your attic to your basement, backyard, and other unused spaces, you will surely feel relief after they are finished with their job. At Lake Norman Home Services, you will finally have the safe and pest-free environment you always deserved. No more worrying about disease-causing pests. For as low as $30 per month, you will literally be killing multiple pests in a blink of an eye. You would be crazy to go anywhere else! They have everything you need to save lives and to give smiles!