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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

The Best Pest Control Company In Mooresville, NC


Have you ever had the feeling of someone watching you when you are at home even when you are alone?  The truth is, there probably are sets of eyes watching over you, and you are not alone. From the moment you wake up until you close your eyes at night. If you feel lonely, you do not have to, because you always have company: pests.

The Most Common Household Pests

Have you ever had the feeling of someone watching you when you are at home even when you are alone? The truth is, there probably are sets of eyes watching over you, and you are not alone. From the moment you wake up until you close your eyes at night. If you feel lonely, you do not have to, because you always have company: pests.

Household pests are quite common in practically all homes all over the world. Some can cause structural damages to your homes, like the termites and ants. Some are health risks, like the mosquitoes, cockroaches, bed bugs, fleas, and mice. Some are merely nuisances, like the moths, wasps, centipedes, weevils, and millipedes. Fortunately, the best pest exterminator services in Mooresville, NC, Lake Norman Home Services Company, is just a phone call away. The most common types of household pests Here is a rogue’s gallery of these pesky creatures that you find overstaying in your homes:

1. Mosquitoes - The mosquitoes are said to be the deadliest creatures on the planet. They are responsible for spreading diseases that caused the deaths of millions of people around the world. They transmit diseases like dengue, malaria, yellow fever, West Nile Fever, and many others.

2. Cockroaches -  When it comes to being filthy and dirty, nothing beats the cockroach. They thrive on filth. They eat anything from rotten food, excrement, trash, dead animals, and even their own. They spread diseases when they contaminate food with their droppings, saliva, or urine. They also carry with them bacteria and viruses on their legs, so them crawling on your food is very dangerous.

3. Mice - The mice are small rodents and are common household pests. They have the ability to transmit diseases by contaminating food through their droppings, urine, and saliva. The diseases they spread include rat-bite fever, plague, leptospirosis, and Lassa fever.

4. Bed Bugs - Bed bugs are those small bugs that infest your beds and bite when you sleep. They are identified as high health risks, from their itchy bites that can turn into allergies, to be the cause of sleeplessness and anxiety.  

5. Moths - There are moths that attack your clothes, and there are moths that prefer to eat your stored dry foods. They are a nuisance and cause economic damages to their poor victims.

6. Wasps - These flying insects are nuisance pests, as they tend to ruin our Sunday barbecues and picnics. They sting when they feel threatened.

7. Termites - They are called the “silent destroyers”. They might not look like it, but they are capable of causing extreme damage to your homes. In fact, they cause billions of dollars in structural damage annually. Exterminating them is of utmost priority.

Pest Problems? No Problem!

The best pest exterminator services in Mooresville, NC, Lake Norman Home Services Company, is just a phone call away. So if these pests are bugging you, they are here to help. Lake Norman Home Services is a family owned company and has been in this business for more than 50 years.  Their excellent experience in exterminating all kinds of pests has earned them the trust of residents and businesses in Mooresville.