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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

Pre-Home Buying Termite Inspection


Whether you’re thinking about selling your current home or purchasing a new one, it is vital that you are careful in the process of strategically preparing for either what you’re purchasing or what you’re selling. To put it straightforward, if you’re a seller, make it worth buying. If you’re a buyer, make it worth investing in! As most know, many houses across the nation are impacted by infestation yearly, with termites being among the most popular for destroying infrastructure and causing costly damage. This is why it’s important to have a professional take a thorough look at your property before it is sold or before a contract is even drafted.

The Purpose Of An Inspection

This full inspection is an extremely important step in the process of home buying and selling that is all too often is overlooked, so we’re here to emphasize the importance of it! Pre-purchase building inspections will help in determining:

  • Whether or not the condition of a property is worth the price that it is being sold for.
  • It will also help in pointing out any major adjustments or refining details that need to be done before the sell. Some of the most common areas reviewed and analyzed in this type of inspection are roofs, cracked walls, damp areas and other safety hazards.
  • Another pro of this inspection is when moving forward it can potentially open opportunity for the buyer to offer some negotiation rights.

Along with the option of a pre-purchase building inspection, a pre-purchase pest inspection is something to consider having. This type of inspection is when an inspector looks deeper into the property to check for any type of pest infestation. This is different as the concentration of this inspection is focused more on the pests that are potentially present, rather than the physical standing of the building structure itself. This type of inspection is also catered to point out any borers, molds and other fungi related activities that are present in the house, as these factors can bring pests in the future.

The costs for solving these issues can be expected to make a lot of difference when bidding for a property. As a home-seller, it’s important that you know the extent to which your house has been affected by any structural damages and pest infestations prior to selling. Even though there might be a bit of difference when it comes to the findings for both of these types of inspections, they’re equally important in reducing risk factors that can eventually come into effect with your property.

These types of inspections can be a way to make arrears and repairs on the portions of the property that can be improved in order to prevent any further issues or infestations in the future. The pre-purchase phase is when you’ll usually see these type of inspections done to a property. More often, this process is done before the purchasing period, and aid in the determination of how much to offer or bid for the property. This enables the buyer to know their negotiating means or to reconsider if the damage is too far off to be fixed instantly or efficiently.

It is important to have professionals guide you when making these types of decisions. Lake Norman Home Services’s services aim to provide the best quality services to its customers. Let our team guide and help you into making these very important decisions for your household. Contact us today!