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Home Remedies & Treatments For Fleas In Huntersville, NC


If there’s an insect whose name automatically sends jitters down the spine and makes the hair stand whenever mentioned, then it certainly is a flea. Fleas are tiny, but you will be forgiven for thinking that they are harmless! It beats logic why such a tiny creature like a flea can wreak havoc in an ordinary household, spoil the otherwise peaceful and homely serenity and leave an abhorrent, lasting memory.

Fleas have a reputation laying numerous eggs and thrive in warm environments, generally on the skin of your pet that they suck blood from. But despite their stubborn nature alongside their penchant for jumping or crawling and hide until late into the night, you can eliminate them at home in Huntersville, NC. Try out these home remedies and if you still have a flea problem then you should call a professional exterminator to help you.

Home Remedies For Fleas

  • Herbal Spray

As one of the most trusted techniques of combating fleas at home, spraying works wonders only when the right measures are taken, of course, using best spray. You should create your flea spray at home using:

  • 2 liters of water
  • 4 liters of vinegar
  • 500 ml of lemon juice
  • 250 ml of witch hazel
  • Flea Comb

It's, by far, the most straightforward, effective home remedy for controlling fleas at home. A flea comb not only leaves the pet looking neat, healthy and happy, but also fishes out all eggs and larvae of this obnoxious insect. You’ve got to buy a quality comb that can flush them out without damaging the pet’s hairs.

  • Vacuum

Fleas naturally find comfort in warm, moist areas and that’s why they love hiding under the cozy hairs of your pet. So, the best way to control those fleas is to clean the room diligently and vacuum the dog as well. You should develop a habit of vacuuming the whole place regularly, especially when you suspect that they are around.

  • Plants

When it comes to this remedy, Rosemary comes top. However, there are some other specific oils, compounds, and chemicals that chase them away. You may need to plant them around your house or even bring potted plants indoors.

  • Dish Soap

This serves more of a trap as it revolves around creating a trap consisting of dish soap and water on a plate or bowl and placing it a strategic spot in the house. The soapy water solution will trap the fleas at night when they decide to “swim” a bit or perhaps when they need to “quench their thirst.” You can go as far as dipping the collar of your dog on lavender oil or tea tree oil or cleaning the whole house, spraying it thoroughly and leaving for a week-long vacation. Other techniques involve using a lemon solution or Aloe Vera.

If all these fail, don’t hesitate to find a reputable flea extermination company.