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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

Flea Control Methods & Products In Huntersville, NC


Are you trying to get rid of flea infestation? Most flea infestations come from our pets. Your dog might have caught fleas in the park or it might have got them from nearby dogs. Regardless of the sources, the first step you should take is to treat your dog or cat for fleas in Huntersville, NC.  Use a flea comb on your dog or cat and pay more attention to specific parts such as tail and neck. Make sure to kill any flea that falls off and speak to your veterinarian about the best flea control services for your dog. They will be able to recommend the most effective treatment for your pet.  

Of course you don’t want fleas in the inside of your home but once your pet carries them in, they can be hectic to get rid. Prior to your treatment, a pest control company will provide you with details in regard to vacuuming, laundering and preparing your home for the treatment. The following is what you should expect from flea control service.

Before The Service

Professional flea control services will advise you to do the following before and after the service.

  • Wash the beddings of your pet in hot soapy water to kill and destroy larvae and eggs. If the infestation is huge, you are recommended to discard or destroy the beddings.
  • Clean and vacuum the furniture, carpets, floors and areas where your dog loves to sleep.
  • Be prepared to leave your home for few hours to allow time for drying of the insecticide.  
  • Remove your pet and have it treated for fleas.

After The Service

  • Remain out of your home until the insecticide has fully dried.
  • Do not clean floors and carpets in order to allow time for the treatment to work.

If your home is infested by fleas, call us and our highly trained technicians will help you to completely get rid of the fleas in your home.