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4 Basics Of Termite Prevention


Just because its summer, doesn't mean you shouldn't be worried about termites. This year it's been projected that mosquitoes and termites are going to be of greater concern than usual. There are some things you should to to prepare yourself, so our experts have put together this how-to list for prevention measures!

Prevention Tips

1. Monitor Basements Or Crawlspaces

Look out for moisture and warmth, because termites are attracted to those things. Warm places with a source of water will provide suitable conditions for a termite colony in your home, and such should be avoided.

2. Watch The Surroundings Of Your Home

Specifically, what touches the walls of your home? Ensure bushes or trees are properly trimmed away from the sides of the house. Don't stack wood against your house or straight onto the ground, not only will the wood absorb moisture from the ground, but it will serve as a starting place for termites to welcome themselves into your house's frame.

3. Check Units Such As A/C Or Water Pipes

Moisture and water are huge attractions for termites, and while you don't want it in your basement or crawlspace the most, you don't want it at all. Water doesn't just attract termites, but also cockroaches, mosquitoes, stink bugs, and more. It is an oasis to them in the middle of a desert, which is why it's important to know if it is prevalent in your home.

4. Have A Professional Investigate

It's hard to catch termites until it is too late, so it is strongly recommended to have professional pest control experts survey your home. Even if you don't have termites now, termites are a difficult pest to prevent. While the methods we mentioned earlier help, it's truly best to find the services right for you.