mosquito on leaf

Mosquito Exterminator Near Denver, NC

Do you notice a lot of mosquitoes on your property? Lake Norman Pest Control can help in the Denver, NC area to help control your mosquito problem. Mosquitoes not only leave behind itchy bumps but could be giving you a serious disease too.


Pest Control Near Me

Not every pest control company takes care of mosquito problems. We use a special technique to make sure your property is thoroughly protected from mosquitoes. By using the backpack blower it allows the entire property to be covered and protected from mosquitoes in a timely manner.

We are a locally owned company and will make sure the mosquitoes are gone before we are done with your service. Bug repellents are only temporary fixes to a mosquito problem. Give us a call today to get a free quote on your mosquito control now.

Local Pest Control For Mosquitoes

If you live near the water you probably experience more mosquitoes than the average homeowner. Mosquitoes love to breed near water, but that doesn't always have to be a body of water. It can be standing water in your backyard after a big storm. In order to make sure the mosquito population is controlled on your property it is best to call your local pest control company.

Mosquitoes do not have teeth but can drink up to three times their weight in blood when they find their host. Mosquitoes are not quick fliers but are hard to see because of their translucent wings. Their bodies tend to blend in with the outdoors because they are usually a brownish color. Only the female mosquitoes bite so they can give nutrients to the eggs they are holding. They can bite animals or people and as they go from one host to another they can transmit different diseases, like Zika. They leave behind raised itchy bumps after they feed on your blood.

Even though they are found outdoors if you leave a window or door open too long you could be at risk of having them inside your home. This would be dangerous because they could feed on you without you even expecting it. They reproduce quickly so it is important to let a professional help you get your mosquito population under control on your property.

Lake Norman Mosquito Control

Not every company will exterminate mosquitoes, but Lake Norman Pest Control will make sure they are gone from your property. There are different service options and treatment plans you can pick from in order to get your mosquito population under control. Give us a call today or click to get a free quote on your mosquito control now.

Our Reviews

Our customers appreciate the pest control services we provide for them and we make sure our customers are taken care of. We make sure their pest problem is gone from their home and property. Take a look at some of our reviews and see if Lake Norman Pest Control can help with your mosquito control in Denver, NC today.


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